Phasmophobia: What is the strongest ghost?

While Phasmophobia may be in Early Access, this haunting chill leaves players wanting more. In the game, you will encounter several types of the supernatural. Some may not affect you, while some may try to hunt you down. The game has a huge reliance on the players’ sanity, which is affected by various kinds of paranormal activity. Although there are different types of supernatural in the game, players are left wondering which one will be the strongest they will face. Since you are here, you are asking the same question and looking for an answer. In this guide, we will show you who we consider to be the strongest ghost for Phasmophobia and the reason behind it.

What is the strongest ghost in Phasmophobia?

While there are no statistics behind it, the strongest ghost we mention in this guide is based on gameplay, strength, and weakness. In our opinion, the battle for the Strongest Ghost in Phasmophobia comes down to the Ghost and the Revenant.

A ghost is a rather aggressive type of ghost in Phasmophobia. They leave no traces, as they are mostly in the air. Ghosts can change Ghost Rooms as well as walk through walls. They can repel salts, but this only causes an aggressive reaction from their end.

The Revenants may not be very aggressive now, but what sets them apart from the rest of the pack is their movement. If you think the Revenants aren’t that strong, wait until the Hunt starts. They are the fastest among the ghosts in Phasmophobia. While they are hiding, they slow down, but it can be difficult to get to cover before they catch you.

If we choose one of these two, the strongest type of ghost in Phasmophobia will be a ghost. And if you ask about the top five types of Ghosts in the game, we would pick:

  • Ghost
  • survivor
  • Daemon
  • youkai
  • raiju

This is all about the strongest ghost in Phasmophobia.