Tower of Fantasy is an open world MMORPG similar to Genshin Impact. There are several collectibles in the game that can be used for rewards or for consumption. When consumed, these items restore Health and Satiety for a certain amount of points. Potatoes, caviar and strawberries are just a few of these consumables. Firecaps are one such item found on the map that is used to restore stamina. However, to find them, you need to study the map, since its location is not marked on the map. If you are tired of looking for it, then this article is for you. Find out the location of Firecaps in Tower of Fantasy with our detailed guide.
Where to get fire caps in Tower of Fantasy (Locations)
Image source – Tower of Fantasy interactive map.
These foods can be eaten raw or can be used to prepare certain dishes. Essentially, they act like an ingredient used in the preparation of something. In addition, cooked meals provide more health benefits than eating raw foods. Although, these are the places where you can find Firecaps:
- Firecaps are scattered across the map of Esperia.
- However, they are mainly located in the Corona region. Find them in abundance near the Forgotten Land, Devil’s Swamp, Fort Dock, and along the coast of the Sea.
What to do with fire caps in ToF (use)
Cooking requires recipes in the game. However, only some of them are unlocked from the start, while the rest need to be unlocked as the game progresses. Fire Hat is one of the ingredients in Fire Hat Mushroom Soup. 2x Fircap and 2x Lettuce together make Firecap Mushroom Soup. Its consumption restores stamina by 400 points. In addition, it increases Health by 10,000 and an additional 13% points.
That’s all you need to know about fire hats in Tower of Fantasy.