How to Fix the “Charging on Hold” Warning in iOS 16

After updating your iPhone to iOS 16, you may occasionally receive the “Charging on hold”error message. Does this mean your iPhone charger is broken? Of course not. This is Apple’s built-in way to protect your iPhone from potential damage.

So what does “Charge on Hold”mean in iOS 16? How can you remove it? And what to do when you see this on your iPhone? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

Why does iPhone say “Charging paused”?

The Charging on Hold error is a message that appears when your iPhone gets hotter than expected while charging. You don’t have to worry when you encounter this message as it usually disappears when the phone cools down. Then your iPhone will continue to charge as usual.

This fail-safe mechanism comes with iOS 16, and like the kill switch, Apple uses it to conserve battery life. The “Charging on hold”error message appears regardless of the heat source; it could be due to your charger, iPhone, or any other external factor.

Causes of delayed charging on iPhone

Since the “Charging paused”message appears due to iPhone heating, it is important to find out the possible causes of the source of the problem.

Here are some things that can increase the temperature of your iPhone:

  • Running heavy apps or tasks on the iPhone can also slow down the iPhone and increase its internal temperature.
  • Placing iPhone on hot surfaces, including the dashboard of a car, on a heated sidewalk, or near a heat source, can cause the temperature of the iPhone to rise and cause a “Charging paused”error message while charging.
  • Faulty charger or charger.
  • A damaged battery can get too hot, which will increase your iPhone’s temperature.
  • Streaming high-quality video sometimes causes the iPhone to heat up.

What to do if you see “Charging paused”notification on iPhone

The resolution of this error message does not require any technical action other than cooling down the phone. The first step is to unplug your iPhone and stop using it until it returns to the optimum temperature.

Try to charge it as soon as you feel that it has cooled down. However, if your iPhone gives you this message frequently, you might want to check the battery or consider replacing your charger. While there are no task or usage restrictions on the iPhone, pausing heavy tasks while charging can clear up this error message.

To check if your iPhone is cold, plug in your charger and see if it shows the message “Charging paused”. Feel free to continue charging if you do not receive this message.

You don’t need to panic if you see this error message on your iPhone. Often this means that your iOS is working properly and implementing the necessary failover mechanism.


How often do you get the “Charging paused”message after updating to iOS 16? Let me know in the comments section below. Also, if you are facing other heating issues with your Apple devices, be sure to read these guides.