How to build gateways in Stellaris

Stellaris is a massive multiplayer grand strategy game that involves space exploration by technologically superior species in a race to conquer the galaxy. This space sandbox game allows players to interact, explore, explore and strategize to expand their galactic empire. Now, of course, an important part of the development of your civilization is transportation. The game offers a number of alternatives for FTL travel with hyperbands and quantum ejection. But they have their limitations due to FTL inhibitors and sometimes the need to break through enemy territories. So, Stellaris offers players a number of workarounds, such as wormholes and gates, that allow you to instantly move your battleships and research vessels.

How to make gateways in Stellaris

You now have two ways to use gateways in Stellaris: either restore disabled gateways, or create your own. Disabled Gateways are the abandoned ruins of a Gateway portal scattered across the galaxy, resembling the formerly large Gateway network. You can repair this Gate for 6000 Energy and 2500 Alloy over 2 years by researching and using Gate Activation. This is an easy way to access the gateways, but they will take you to another random gateway that gets activated when you restore those disabled gateways.

  • Once you find a disabled gateway, it will offer you a gateway activation technology. This in turn will offer you the Gateway Construction technology. You need to research these technologies in order to create your own gateways.
  • Now all you have to do to make your own Gateway is use your construction ships and assign a Gateway construction site from the Megastructures menu. Just go to the outer band of the galaxy you want to build a Gate for and place it outside of the Gravity Well. This will start a 3-year construction of the Construction Site and will cost you 75 Influence and 2500 Alloy.
  • Once the construction site is built, you can upgrade it to a fully functional gateway with 6000 energy, 2500 alloys and 3 more years. You can now use this gateway to go to any other functioning gateway in the galaxy and manage traffic with borders open or closed.

It’s important to remember that you also need to unlock and research the Mega-Engineering technology in order to build the Gateway. This is because gateways are megastructures and need this technology. You can even unlock Master Builders in your ascension skills to cut construction time by 50%.

Now that you know how to build gateways in Stellaris, you can start building your own vast network of gateways and become the most advanced race in the galaxy.