Overwatch 2 Genji: How to Play (Tips & Strategies)

Overwatch 2 has finally been released and features a wide range of recurring and unique characters on the roster. That being said, Genji is one of the most versatile damage heroes on the list. So, he can not only destroy or completely erase support characters, but also force out the enemy team. But with great ability and power comes great responsibility for their proper use. So, check out our guide to learn how to play Genji in Overwatch 2.

How to play Genji in Overwatch 2 (tips and strategies)

Before we dive into this Japanese hero’s play style, we need to unlock him first. You can unlock Genji by completing the tutorial and playing 1 unranked match. If you win the match, it will count as the end of two games. As a damage fighter hero, the element of surprise is the best move Genji has up his sleeve.

  • Shurikens are Genji’s main weapon, firing three projectiles at enemies.
  • You can sneak up from behind and throw shurikens at enemies.
  • While the main fire can fire three projectiles in the direction of its crosshairs, the secondary fire fires three projectiles in a cone in front of it.
  • We suggest sneaking sideways to deal damage to enemies. Write it down so you don’t get further away from your team. You can also take cover from a support character.
  • If you are looking for some defensive moves, Deflect is the best ability to use. As the name suggests, it can reflect damage directed at Genji.
  • But the only drawback is that when you are in a defensive stance, you cannot attack.
  • All projectiles that hit you can be deflected in the direction you are aiming. And this ability can affect both the shooter and his team.
  • However, some attacks or abilities cannot be reflected at all. This includes Zarya’s hand cannon, Mei’s endothermic blaster, Winston’s Tesla cannon, and Lucio’s sonic wave. Also note that when this ability is activated, you will not be attacked from behind.
  • Speaking of his passive ability, Cyber ​​Agility offers two benefits of dodging your enemies.
  • With this ability, Genji can climb flat, vertical surfaces by holding the jump button. And the second advantage is the double jump by pressing the jump button when he is already in the air.
  • You can also change the direction of the double jump by holding the direction you want it to jump.
  • It can also be used to dodge enemies and surprise them with a sneak attack.
  • And here is the most deadly ability – Quick Strike. With this ability, Genji dashes forward a fixed distance and deals damage to all his enemies in his path.
  • This ability’s cooldown resets whenever Genji destroys another player.
  • Finally, you can use Genji’s ultimate ability, Dragonblade, to finish off your opponents. But you have to make sure you use it at the right time.
  • This is because when you activate this ability, you can no longer use his primary weapon, shurikens. This primary ability will be replaced with a fast melee strike known as the Dragonblade.
  • This ultimate ability can deal a lot of damage to your opponents.
  • Although you cannot use shurikens, you can combo attacks with quick strikes. On top of that, you can also use “Deflect”to sneak attack your opponents.

That’s all about how to play Genji in Overwatch 2.