View the number of messages you have exchanged with friends using SMSStats 3

Have you ever wondered how much time you spend texting with your friends or maybe even how many messages you have exchanged? There are certain “nerd stats”to this concept that I find interesting, and if you’re in a similar boat, you might be interested in a new free jailbreak tweak dubbed SMSStats 3 by iOS developer ExTBH.

After installing SMSStats 3, you will find a new “S”button on the top left corner of the Messages app in any conversation that you can press to view specific statistics about the number of messages sent and received in that conversation.

As shown in the example screenshot above, the tweak breaks down the number of messages exchanged between iMessages, SMS, and combined, and even further filters sent and received.

Because keeping track of these per-contact stats can be confusing if you have multiple people in the same conversation, the developer has the foresight to include a per-contact option that you can visit via the contact details page to view individual stats for each contact. everyone.

SMSStats 3 is a simple jailbreak tweak that doesn’t do much other than logging and displaying statistics, so it’s no wonder it doesn’t have any options to tweak.

Those who want to try SMSStats 3 can download it for free from the BigBoss repository through their favorite package management app. The tweak supports jailbroken iOS 14 devices.

Do you have an interest in viewing the statistics of messaging with friends? Let us know why or why not in the comments section down below.