Facebook Messenger Advertising: How Pros Get Results in 2022

Why Use Facebook Messenger Ads? More people use private messaging on social media these days than ever before. And ever since Facebook merged its messaging server with Instagram, Messenger ads have never been more relevant.

Facebook Messenger has 1 billion active users, the same number as TikTok.

Messenger is an ultra-personal way to communicate directly and privately. Essentially allowing companies to treat customers like friends.

This is an automated way to answer frequently asked questions and increase customer loyalty. This kind of intimate interaction can lead to above-average conversion rates.

So whether you’re looking to hedge against the future of social media or you’re curious about the dozens of different ways you can use messaging apps to reach your audience right now, we’re here to show you how to use Facebook Messenger ads. communicate.

And convert.

What is Facebook Messenger Ads?

Facebook Messenger ads either start chatting with people in instant messages or appear in the Messenger app.

Your Facebook Messenger ad options include:

  • Click to Messenger Ads: Your standard Facebook ad includes a call to action button, and you can set it to “Send Message”to start a conversation between brand and consumer.
  • Advertising messages. Are you already talking to customers on Messenger? Sponsored messages allow you to redirect current customers and send them promotions in Messenger.
  • Ads in Messenger Stories: These ads appear in the Messenger app between regular stories. If you choose this ad type, you’ll also need to select Facebook Feeds or Instagram Stories to enable Messenger Stories ads.
  • Ads in your inbox in Messenger. Announcements in your inbox appear in the chat tab in the Messenger app.

Due to privacy laws, some Messenger ads are not available in certain countries. This includes:

  • Messenger Inbox ads are not available for residents of the US, Canada, Australia, and France.
  • Promotional messages are not available in and from Europe and Japan.

Regardless of which ad you choose, you need to set up a responsive chat command in order to respond to messages. Are you cheating a potential client? Not a great view.

Check out our complete guide to Facebook Messenger bots if you need more help with customer service.

Of course, before diving into Facebook Messenger ads, you should take a comprehensive look at your brand’s Facebook advertising strategy.

There are many ways to spend your money out there – make sure you get the best bang for your buck.

How to set up Facebook Messenger ads

Step 1. Select a campaign objective and click Continue.

Campaign goals are broken down into three categories with different goals; awareness, consideration and transformation.

However, Meta is gradually introducing 6 new simplified campaign objectives for Ads Manager.

You may see an older version or a newer version, but we’ll look at the category names for both.

If you want to create a campaign for your Messenger inbox (which means ads will appear between inbox conversations), you have the following options:

Previous meta ad target nameCurrent meta ad target nameAvailable ad format types
MovementMovementImage and carousel
Application settingsApplication promotionImage and carousel
MessagesbetrothalImage and carousel
ConversionsSalesImage and carousel
Sales by catalogSalesImage and carousel

You can also place ads in Messenger stories and they will appear between regular stories.

If you choose this option, you will have a few more objective options:

Previous meta ad target nameCurrent meta ad target nameAvailable ad format types
Brand recognitionAwarenessImage and video
AchieveAwarenessImage and video
MovementMovementImage and video
Application settingsApplication promotionImage and video
Video viewsbetrothalvideo
ConversionsSalesImage and video

Many social media managers may want to re-engage with customers who have turned to Facebook Messenger.

Promotional messages are what you need to send offers, promotions and updates directly to customers. You’ll want to choose Engagement as your goal.

Finally, if you want to create a “Click to Messenger”call-to-action ad, you can choose Traffic, Engagement, or Sales as your objective.

Step 2: Name your campaign and select additional advertising features.

Before continuing, you can add a campaign name.

You will also need to make a decision about how your ads will be shown. You can conduct A/B testing to see which ads have the most impact on your audience.

Or maybe you decide to spread your budget across ad groups. The choice is yours.

If you’re running ads related to specific categories (such as loans, employment, housing, or social issues), you’ll need to list it here as requirements vary by country.

Step 3. Choose a place to convert

You will be asked to choose where customers are redirected to when they click on your ad. You have 5 options:

  1. Web site
  2. Application
  3. Messenger
  4. whatsapp
  5. Calls

Depending on the purpose of your campaign, you can set up people who will send you messages to learn more.

Other managers may want to direct potential customers to the landing page of the company’s website or app. The target audience may want to call.

Step 4: Change your budget, schedule, and audience

How much will you spend? How long should the campaign last? And who should see it? The answers to these questions can be found in your social media strategy.

Step 5: Choose Advantage+ or Manual Placement

Choose a placement that matches your goals. Advantage+ placements will select multiple placements based on where they think they will perform best.

If you only want to focus on one placement, you’ll need to select placements manually.

For example, maybe you want to set up ads that you only want to show in your Messenger inbox.

You’ll need to select “Manual Placements”and then select the appropriate ad placement – in this case, Messenger’s Inbox.

Step 6: Choose optimization and delivery

You will need to choose ad delivery optimization. This means that Facebook will target people based on the campaign goal you choose. You have 3 options:

  1. Clicks on links
  2. Impression
  3. Daily Unique Reach

You can also set a target price per result that you are willing to spend. Otherwise, Facebook will focus on spending your entire budget for the best results.

Step 7: Add a Creative

This step depends on your specific ad type. You will upload or select images and videos to include in your ad.

Don’t forget a compelling description to generate interest!

Facebook ad sizes can vary, so we’ve gathered all the ad specs in one place here.

If you need help creating the perfect ad, check out our social media advertising guide here.

Step 8. Click “Publish”.

Your campaign is ready to go! You can return to the Ad Creation Manager at any time to pause, edit, cancel, or extend your campaign. You can also view analytics to see how your ads are performing.

For a more detailed step-by-step guide to any of these ad formats, check out Facebook’s official Sponsored Post , Click to Messenger Ads, Messenger Stories Ads, or Messenger Inbox Ads FAQ.

7 Effective Facebook Messenger Ads to Inspire You

You are probably excited and ready to start a conversation with your customers! Before you dive into this Ad Manager, take inspiration from the brands that use this format in inventive and innovative ways.


D+AF, a Taiwanese shoe retailer, has created a user-friendly automated messenger.

He created a chatbot capable of answering questions, sending promotional offers and making sales.

But users got more than text messages—photos and videos were part of the messaging.

But D+AF wanted customers to see Messenger as more than just a place to serve customers and see it as a sales channel.

She created an ad campaign with eye-catching visuals and attractive discounts. With a “Send Message” call to action, customers were directed to Messenger to complete the transaction.

They never had to leave Facebook to buy a product.

DMCI houses

DMCI Homes, a real estate developer, was looking for people who were interested in buying an apartment or investing in real estate.

Since his target audience used Messenger frequently, it was decided to use ads with links to Messenger.

As soon as someone clicked on the ad, they were taken to Messenger, where they could ask questions about buying an apartment.

The automated chatbot helped them and made it easy to identify qualified leads.

Developer A/B testing showed that Messenger combined with a chatbot resulted in a 25% increase in leads with a 91% reduction in CPC. Now that’s progress!


Tiki, a Vietnamese e-commerce platform, sponsored the first Facebook online reality show, The Next Face Vietnam.

Tiki promoted the show on her Facebook page and even shared ads for it. But how was Messenger enabled?

Well, while the show was on air, Tiki was handing out free vouchers to people who left comments with branded hashtags live.

Branded hashtags will make Messenger open the voucher and share it in a private message.

Tiki also used retargeting with messenger ads to ask viewers to vote for their favorite contestants on upcoming episodes.

Viewers will use Messenger to vote and will also receive another voucher from Tiki.

sky dome

Sky-Dome Hotpot needed a new way to attract customers after pandemic-related restrictions prevented people from going to his restaurant. It was decided to use Messenger to encourage people to order takeout or delivery.

The restaurant created an advertising campaign with a call to action “Send a message”.

Once in Messenger, people could view the visual menu and place an order. They could even pay directly in the app.

With an improved messaging strategy, Sky-Dome Hotspot achieved a 10x return on ad spend.


PalFish wanted to make it easier for parents to enroll their children in language classes.

She originally asked parents to fill out a form on her website, but the education company decided to experiment with Messenger for lead generation.

He set up two advertising campaigns in messengers.

The first ad campaign directed customers to Messenger with an automated chatbot so parents could ask questions and get answers quickly. Then a chatbot could help clients sign up for a trial lesson.

The second ad campaign took customers to a pre-filled form with their profile details. With a few simple clicks, they could register to learn more about PalFish and its classes.

By improving the customer experience, PalFish achieved a 5x higher conversion rate for leads on Messenger compared to a regular ad campaign.


Nikuya created a video and dynamic ad campaign optimized for message purposes.

When people clicked on the ad, they were redirected to Messenger where they met with an automated digital assistant. Customers could ask questions and place orders in one place.

The knife company has also used automation technology to respond to people commenting on its ads without leaving a single potential customer behind.


ACUVUE Taiwan used a combination of influencer marketing, live broadcasts and

Messenger to promote a new product.

During the live broadcast, influencers tried the product and shared its benefits. When people commented on the Live event, ACUVUE responded by sending a message on Messenger.

Commenters received coupons that could be used at participating stores to encourage them to purchase the product and visit the stores in person.

Facebook Messenger isn’t the only direct messaging tool that brands can use in their customer interactions. Check out inspiring examples of brands using messaging platforms creatively. And then we’ll start talking!