Time wasted on Destiny and Destiny 2 (explained)

The Destiny series can take you a long time playing or grinding on different planets. Destiny and Destiny 2 is a free-to-play multiplayer video game in which you have to complete missions on a wide variety of planets. Often, players can spend hundreds or thousands of potentially valuable hours playing on these planets. Thus, much of their precious time can be wasted. But is there a way to keep track of wasted or game time? There is a workaround. Check out our guide on how to find out the total time spent on Destiny or Destiny 2.

How to find the total time wasted on Destiny and Destiny 2

You can check the Time Wasted on Destiny website (link) for the total time spent. All you have to do is enter your Guardian username to see the stats. This statistic will help you to know the total time spent playing or wasted in Orbit. If you’re a Destiny player like me, you can spend an entire week enjoying the galaxy. As such, this can be the perfect way to calculate your legitimate playing time and lost time.

Along with these statistics, you can also find out the time you spent on various activities or missions. The website also estimates your total playing time among other Guardian players. In addition to tracking your playing time or lost time, you can track your time spent in AFK. In addition, you may also regret the time spent on deleted characters. For some players it can be hundreds of hours, and for others it can be thousands. Until the weekly maintenance is over, this can be a great tool to instantly evaluate your stats.

In my opinion, no matter how terrible time is wasted on Destiny or Destiny 2, it is not wasted. But this only applies if you are an experienced player.

That’s all there is to know about the total time spent on Destiny and Destiny 2.