Badger is a new jailbreak tweak for customizing the appearance of notification icons.

Some people love the icon notification system in iOS, and some people hate it. Regardless of which camp you belong to, a recently released jailbreak tweak called Badger by iOS developer 0xilis offers a lot of tweaks that you would be hard pressed to find in any other jailbreak tweak.

Assuming badge notifications aren’t usually your forte, Badger might be the only jailbreak tweak that can change your mind. That’s because you can use this setting to change how icons look, adjust when they appear, and control how they behave.

In the screenshot examples above, you’ll see that we were able to change the position of the icon, colorize it, change its size and shape, among other things. But this is just the tip of the iceberg…

Once installed, Badger adds a dedicated app to the home screen where you can configure many different notification icon-focused settings:

Among the things you can change to your liking are the following:

  • Set the minimum number of notifications before icons appear
  • Set a minimum number of notifications for certain apps before icons appear.
  • Set a limit on the maximum number of icons
  • Customize Notification Icon Colors
  • Customize notification icon colors for specific apps
  • Set notification icon colors based on number of notification icons
  • Set notification icon colors for specific apps based on the number of notification icons.
  • Setting the transparency of the notification icon
  • Setting notification icon transparency for specific apps
  • Adjust notification icon opacity based on number of notification icons
  • Set notification icon opacity for specific apps based on the number of notification icons.
  • Adjust the position of the notification icon (top right, top left, bottom left, bottom right, or center)
  • Customize the shape of the notification icon (round, triangular, square, rounded, or hexagonal).
  • Change the shape of the notification icon for specific apps
  • Changing the shape of the notification icon depending on the number of notification icons
  • Changing the shape of the notification icon for specific apps based on the number of notification icons
  • Set the notification icon background image
  • Set notification icon background image for specific apps
  • Set notification icon background image based on number of notification icons
  • Set the notification icon background image for specific apps based on the number of notification icons.
  • Customize text on notification icons
  • Customize text on notification icons depending on the number of notification icons.
  • Adjusting Notification Icon Sizes
  • Customizing Notification Icon Sizes for Specific Apps
  • Adjust notification icon sizes based on the number of notification icons.
  • Customize notification icon sizes for specific apps based on the number of notification icons.
  • Customize Notification Icon Label Colors
  • Customize notification icon label colors for a specific app
  • Customize Notification Icon Label Colors Based on the Number of Notification Icons
  • Customize notification icon label colors for specific apps based on the number of notification icons.
  • Setting Notification Icon Label Fonts
  • Setting notification icon label fonts based on the number of notification icons

There are many different things you can do with Badger to keep your home screen neat and start the jailbreak conversation.

If you want to customize the notification badges on your iPhone or iPad, you can purchase Badger for $0.99 from the Havoc repository on your favorite package management app. Please note that Badger currently only supports jailbroken iOS 13 and 14 devices.

What would be the first few ways to customize notification icons with Badger? Leave a comment below to let us know.