Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Recon By Fire: how to enter the main building

During the Recon by Fire mission in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, one of the objectives is to enter the main building. This task isn’t exactly easy if you don’t know what to do as there are many enemies patrolling the building. And if one of them works, you will lose the chance to unlock this mission’s trophy. So, here’s how you can take out the enemies and enter the main building in CoD MW2.

How to enter the main building in Recon by Fire in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

You can only enter the main building after you have eliminated all the enemies. Once all enemies have been eliminated, you will need to explore the warehouses. Now there are three main ways to get to the Warehouses:

  • Using C4: You can use C4 Brachers to blast doors. Kill the enemies as soon as they start coming out.
  • Using Tear Gas: You can put tear gas in the vent. As soon as the enemies start to leave the warehouses. You and Price can eliminate them.
  • Destroying Skylights: Finally, you can climb into the warehouses and use the skylights to gain the upper hand, surprise your enemies and destroy them.

Once you eliminate the enemies inside, you will be able to enter the main building.

How to clear the main building

  1. Once the mission starts, follow Price. Crouch down and you’ll have to crawl to follow him.
  2. Use the tunnel and keep following Price and you’ll find a small number of enemies patrolling ahead.
  3. Lie down without moving and wait for the enemies to pass by.
  4. Then use the heartbeat sensor to check if anyone is in the building.
  5. There will be no one, so follow Price again.
  6. As you progress, you will reach a point where you and Price will find a sniping spot to take out the enemies.
  7. There will be several enemies in your field of vision, they will be either singly or in groups of 2 or 3 people.
  8. Follow Price’s instructions and eliminate them all:
    • Single Enemies: You can defeat one enemy by yourself.
    • Dual Enemies: You will destroy one and Price will destroy the other.
    • Triple Enemies: You need to find such a position so that you can take out 2 enemies with one shot. And Price will take care of the third enemy.
  9. It is important to note here that you are very far from the enemy. Thus, you will need to aim your crosshair a little higher than the enemy’s actual position in order to kill him. Listen to Price, which enemies need to be eliminated first and how much higher should your aim be in the marks in order to eliminate the enemies.
  10. Eliminate them in such a way that no one sets off the alarm, and you’ll even unlock the “Nobody Was There”trophy.
  11. Now all that’s left to do is get to the main building.
  12. As you make your way to the building, the enemies will send a car towards you to find you.
  13. Here you can either destroy them all or hide in the grass and wait for them to pass by.
  14. Once they are gone, you will be ready to enter the main building.

That covers this guide on how to enter the main building in Recon by Fire in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. To learn more about other missions, check out our CoD MW2 game guides.