What is the MCM client application on the phone and how does it work?

Recently, most businesses have begun allowing their employees to work from home. Thus, the demand for MCM clients that help authorized users to work remotely has proportionally increased.

Some companies also have a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) culture. But devices can be vulnerable to threats, just like company data. This is where MCM customers can help resolve these issues and protect their data.

But if you want to know more about what MCM Client is and how it works, this article is for you. I will provide all the information about the same in a simple and understandable way.


What is an MCM client and how does it work?

Mobile content management, known as MCM, is a subcategory of content management systems that helps store, manage, and deliver content to mobile devices running various operating systems. The MCM can be a standalone system or coexist as add-ons or features of the CMS.

Mobile Information Management (MIM), a part of mobile development management, is also referred to as MCM. It also helps a company or organization to securely send various types of media to employees on their phones.

The MCM client is an agent installed on users’ or employees’ devices that helps them easily and securely access files and media using authentication.

These platforms prevent malware, spyware, and ransomware from attacking corporate data and information. Thus, it helps the company to provide a secure medium for transferring and storing files, so that intruders or third-party users other than company employees cannot use the data.

So, to summarize the MCM Client, it is an application that IT administrators install on users’ devices to help them access work files or applications in a secure environment.

MCM Client Features

We have learned what the MCM Client is, but knowing its features in detail will help us understand it more clearly.

It offers many features that help your organization or company manage content more securely and easily.

Below I have shared the features of the MCM client with a detailed description:

Encryption and decryption

The main feature of the MCM client is file encryption and data security. You get encrypted files from his server and later he decrypts them so you can use them.

You may also need to authenticate with passwords, user IDs, and other important credentials to access files. This method helps protect organization or company data and keep it private.

Thus, it only allows the user with the appropriate credentials to access the file, but a company or organization can extend access to more people.

File transfer

The main job of the MCM client is to transfer files between your colleagues and you. You can easily share work-related files on its platform and edit them directly. This system can also share a file with a specific group or account.

The MCM client can deliver content across multiple channels such as phones, tablets, computers, etc.

It is also used by authorized users to share location data and may also be used for content distribution.

Thus, employees can safely use this system to transfer files and other related information.

File management

In addition to receiving, editing, and sending files, the platform also helps users manage files. If you have permission, you can easily rename a file and categorize it directly from your phone to easily find the files you need. This allows you to easily sort your files by tags, topics, or other options you get on the platform.

While this feature is available in many third-party apps, it can break your company data. Thus, they use the MCM client to meet all file sharing and management requirements.

Viewing and studying files

The MCM client not only helps you securely transfer files, but also helps you view and explore files. It supports several file types with extensions such as. jpg,. pptx,. docx, etc.

You can easily view the files and make changes if you like and they will be saved on the server.

Secure storage

The MCM client application provides secure storage in the cloud, which means you can download and use files at any time. It also allows you to use multi-factor authentication to add multiple layers of security to your file.

It has a centralized content delivery feature so it doesn’t store files or folders on your phone. But the positive side of this feature is that you can download the necessary files on any device by logging into the application with your credentials.


Another great feature is collaboration, which allows you and your colleagues to work on the same file at the same time. You can see the changes each makes in real time if you both have edit rights.

Once all changes have been made, administrators or authorized users can upload the final version to their server.

Pros and cons of the MCM client

All parts of the technology have their advantages and disadvantages, as does the MCM client. It has pros and cons that you should be aware of in order to learn more about the service.

However, it has more positive aspects than negative ones; let’s check the following:


  • The MCM client uses AES 256-bit encryption and decryption, which provides military-grade data security and may be the best for the BOYD culture.
  • It also protects your device from other malicious apps.
  • All content is synchronized in real time, and authorized users can work on the same file at the same time.
  • If you have authorization, you can transfer files to other devices equipped with MCM Client.
  • It provides corporate users with unlimited international and domestic calls at low rates.
  • This helps employees work remotely and provide updates all the time.


  • It’s not as user friendly as other apps and you may need some to get familiar with it.
  • This may consume too much battery, RAM, and storage on your device.
  • It requires other system applications to run in the background in order to run smoothly.
  • It can also install malware with updates, making it difficult to remove them.


So, this article contains complete information about what an MCM client is and how it works. I have told everything in simple words so that you can understand everything clearly. However, if you have any doubts about anything, leave them in the comments below.