How to use the new TikTok voice changer

How to use the new TikTok voice changer? It’s simple and damn effective. We will explain everything to you.

Spend some time on TikTok and you will notice creators who use a lot of filters and effects for their content. Some from third party apps, but most from the TikTok app itself. One of the best effects is the new voice changer that can be used to create different characters in videos. And it’s very easy to use.

How to use the new TikTok voice changer

TikTok has been offering voice effects for quite some time now, but a new dedicated voice changer has recently come out. Unlike video effects, TikTok voice changer is hidden in the app’s editing features. This means you don’t have to remember to use it while recording video, but it can also be confusing. Perhaps you’d rather hear the rendering from your last take. At this point, it is necessary to click on edit mode anyway before you can apply the voice changer and its many effects.

To get started, open TikTok, tap the + button at the bottom of the screen – depending on the season, the location of this button may vary depending on the topic -. If you haven’t already, allow TikTok to use your smartphone’s camera and microphone.

A simple and very effective feature

Then record your video, voice and that’s it. When you’re done, click on the checkmark to start editing. On the right side of the screen, click on the “Vocal Effects”button to open the 15 available options, each with a colored icon corresponding to the effect. The names speak for themselves.

Scroll through the effects as your video (and audio) loops to hear the different effects in your creation. You will immediately notice some effects from other TikTok like Synth and Vibrato. Most of the effects do not affect the clarity of your words, so you can say what you want as usual. Some, on the other hand, will mute the sound to provide an effect, and you will (almost) understand nothing.