How to get space suit armor in Callisto protocol

Armor is one of the most important pieces of equipment a player can request. This is the same case when you play Callisto Protocol. However, it is quite tedious and not very clear how to get the Armor in the Callisto Protocol. Since many players seek it but fail, we encourage you to check out this guide. Unlike weapons like the Skunk Gun where you only get schematics, luckily you will get the armor piece directly. Since it has a big impact on your game, having armor is something you should look forward to. If you haven’t found the armor yet, don’t be discouraged, as in this guide we’ll show you exactly how and when you get in touch with the first armor.

Where to find armor in Callisto Protocol

Although getting the armor is not at all difficult, you will have to progress through the story. Since this is an important part, it is only natural that you will have to play through the early game in order to get to the required chapter. If you couldn’t find it and are confused, just scroll down and you will have the answers.

There is a moment in chapter 4 “Habitat”when you get out of the Dark Iron Prison. After that, you will meet Elias, who will give you the suit armor in the Callisto protocol. He will give you a helmet that you will need to put on in order to ride into the storm.

Now that you have the suit armor, your health and inventory will increase. You can now take more hits from normal enemies. Along with this, your inventory space has increased from 6 to 12.

This is everything you need to know about how to get armor in The Callisto Protocol. While you’re here, be sure to check out our Callisto protocol guides.