Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed: How to Play as a Ghost (Tips and Tricks)

In Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed, you can play as a ghost to scare NPCs, roam rooms, and eventually roam a building. And although it may seem complicated, the whole process is a pleasure. The best part is that you can do many things to chase the building in order to win. So, here are all the tips for you to play as a ghost in Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed.

How to play as a ghost in Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed

When you play as the Ghost, your goal is to completely infiltrate the building without getting caught by the Ghostbusters. While it’s easy to chase objects, preventing the Ghostbusters from catching you is the tricky part. Here’s what you need to do to play effectively as a ghost:

  • Keep changing while chasing: while chasing things, you can stalk the entire room. And the more you visit a single room, the faster you visit the building. But the catch here is that you don’t have to focus on one room all the time. This is because it will attract ghost hunters to that room faster. Therefore, in order not to run into this problem, you just need to walk through several rooms.
  • The best way to do this is to keep an eye on the ghost counter. The one in the upper left corner shows the percentage of ghosts for a particular room. While the one in the center shows the percentage of ghosts in the entire building. Keep switching between rooms and from time to time check how much time is left in a particular room.
  • Stand still while reloading: Possessing objects recharges your energy, which you can then use to chase more objects. And as long as you own an object, you can even move around with it. So, if you need energy faster and there are no ghost hunters nearby, then possess and wait. This will fill your energy much faster than when you are moving.
  • Try owning smaller items: Small items like cardboard boxes are a good way to sneak around. Especially if you keep moving and stop at the least suspicious places. It’s a bit like playing Metal Gear Solid.
  • Keep changing genders: The PKE counter shows the Ghostbusters your approximate location and is not accurate. So while they may be in the correct position according to the meter, it doesn’t tell them which floor that position belongs to. Therefore, frequent floor changes can make it difficult to keep track of them.
  • Protect Your Rifts: Rifts are the most important thing for you as a ghost. They serve two main purposes. First, they allow you to respawn if you are captured by the Ghostbusters. And second, they cut down on the time it takes for you to survive in Ghostbusters after you’ve completely haunted a building.
  • So whenever you find Ghostbusters destroying your rifts, you should leave other things behind and protect them first. You can always chase objects and NPCs later. But once you lose a rift, you also lose one respawn. So you will have to survive longer after you chase the building. Each Rift you leave reduces your survival time by 25 seconds. So if you defend all 3 rifts, you only need to survive 15 seconds from the Ghostbusters.
  • Use your ult before the ghost hunters notice you: depending on your ghost and its end use, it might be easier to protect your rifts. But the only problem is that if the Ghostbusters catch you when you use your ult, they can cancel it. So not only will you have to wait until the cooldown ends, but you will also have a hard time defending your rift from their attacks.
  • Scare NPCs: Scare NPCs is a good way to distract or keep Ghostbusters busy. Not only does it fill up the ghost meter, but it can also stop ghost hunters while they calm them down. This may be helpful for you to reposition your faults.
  • But while scaring NPCs is useful, it’s also tiring and takes a lot of energy. So do not give him the same priority as pursuing objects. Only scare them if it’s easy. Because ghostbusters can give them a shield beforehand by talking to them. Thus, it is definitely not worth scaring such an NPC.

That covers this guide on how to play as a ghost in Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed.