Bayonetta 3 Chapter List Guide (total number of hours required to complete the game)

Bayonetta 3 has over 14 main missions and four side missions. The whole game lasts no more than 10-12 hours if you focus only on the main chapters. Otherwise, add a few more hours for side missions, collectibles, and other activities. Below you can find a list of all the main chapters, their goals and what rewards or weapons you can unlock in them.

List of main Bayonetta 3 missions

There are 14 main chapters in Bayonetta 3 and 4 side chapters. Each additional chapter opens after completing the three main missions. The game begins with a prologue chapter – Chaotic Encounter. There are three verses in the prologue. You will have to fight and reach the end. Verse – 1 takes place on a cruise ship, in the second you will find a Hell Demon Mechanic, and in the last you will fight the Kraken.

The game then starts with Chapter 1: In Search of Answers, each mission has a different verse. It’s more like battles, and winning them will allow you to move on to the next mission. Below is a list of all major chapters.

  • Chapter 1: Searching for Answers – 13 verses Chapter 2: City on Fire – 8 verses
  • Chapter 3: Sinking Feeling – 8 verses
  • Side Chapter 1: Crimson Shadow
  • Chapter 4: Worlds Divided – 8 verses
  • Chapter 5: Hot Pursuit – 9 verses
  • Chapter 6: Off the Rails – 11 verses
  • Side Chapter 2: The Lynx Strikes
  • Chapter 7: Burning Sands – 11 verses
  • Chapter 8: Croaking Chorus – 7 verses
  • Chapter 9: Learning to Fly – 13 verses
  • Side Chapter 3: High Stakes
  • Chapter 10: Veil of the Night – 8 verses
  • Chapter 11: Familiar Dance
  • Chapter 12: Edge of Madness
  • Side Chapter 4: The Doctor Is Not Home
  • Chapter 13: The Kingdom of One
  • Chapter 14: The Only Truth

Bayonetta 3 Main Mission Tips

  • Don’t get hung up on one weapon, try others too. Always lock onto an enemy before attacking.
  • Explore the map to find Poems. The main chapters are divided into verses, and if you don’t finish them, you will be stuck in a chapter.
  • Use lollipops during boss fights, for example, use Mega Green to regenerate health. Keep enough in your inventory.
  • Witch Time works in your favor, you can deal a lot of damage if you can pull a combo during this period.
  • Learn to dodge control, this will help you dodge incoming attacks.
  • Keep unlocking new skills, with each chapter you will face stronger enemies.

I hope the tips above will help you finish the game quickly. When you complete the main chapters, you will unlock Viola as the second playable character in the game. You can play through the whole game again on a different difficulty level using all Bayonetta accessories.