38 Pinterest stats that matter to marketers in 2023

Pinterest brings out the message board fanatic in all of us. There is something so comforting about curating this perfect inspirational spread, whether online or in real life.

But for social media managers, Pinterest statistics matter – knowing the facts and figures that make one icon different from another is an integral part of marketing strategies both on and off the platform.

We’ve scoured annual reports, shareholder letters, blog posts, and research from Pinterest and other sources (you’ll see Hootsuite’s 2022 Digital Trends Report many times in this post – what can we say, we’re stats freaks) to gather the most important recent statistics you need to know about Pinterest.

Here are the numbers that matter in 2023.

General Pinterest stats

See how Pinterest stats compare to other social networks and more.

1. Pinterest is the 14th largest social network in the world.

In terms of active users worldwide, Pinterest is the 14th largest platform in the world as of January 2023.

The platform outperforms Twitter, Reddit, and Quora, but falls short of social networks like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat.

Source: Hootsuite 2022 Digital Trends Report

2. Now the platform has 445 million monthly active users.

In September 2022, Pinterest reported 445 million monthly active users, up 2 million from the previous quarter. This is a slight decrease from the platform’s high point in March 2021 when they experienced 478 million MAUs worldwide.

Over the past three years, the company has seen an increase in global user growth with a compound annual growth rate of 11% (CAGR).

3. The monthly number of Pinterest users worldwide increased by 5% in 2022.

Pinterest’s Q2 2022 shareholder report shows that the platform’s average MAU in the US and Canada fell to 92 million, down 8% year-on-year (YoY) from 100 million in the same period the previous year.

Overall, global MAUs were down 5%, with European MAUs down 4% and the rest of the world down 3% year-over-year.

Pinterest attributes this decline to several factors, including lower traffic from search (driven by Google’s algorithm updates in November 2021) and the impact of competition for the share of time spent on video-centric platforms, especially in older markets. In addition, they cite the impact of the weakening of the pandemic as a contributing factor, especially outside the US.

Source: Pinterest

4. Pinterest’s total revenue increased by 8% in the third quarter of 2022.

Pinterest’s revenue also grew 8% year-on-year in 2022 to $685 million. Over the past three years, the company has reported revenue growth of 35% per year. Pinterest says it expects revenue to continue growing in the fourth quarter.

Pinterest CEO Bill Ready said in the company’s third-quarter earnings report: “Despite a challenging macro environment, we deliver performance and a clear value proposition to advertisers by reaching users across the funnel. By focusing on increasing engagement that our users enjoy, we are deepening our per-user monetization and creating personalized and relevant experiences that move from inspiration and intent to action.”

Source: Pinterest

5. 51% of Pinterest employees are women.

As of April 19, 2022, 51% of Pinterest employees identify as women. This is more than 49% in 2020 and 47% in 2019.

It is part of the company’s efforts to promote diversity and inclusion after it was criticized in 2020 for gender and racial discrimination. In June of that year, an independent ad hoc committee was set up to review the company’s culture in the workplace. The committee’s recommendations were published in December 2020.

In response, Pinterest has committed to increasing the proportion of women in leadership positions to 36% by 2025. They achieved this goal in the first half of 2022. The company has also made several recent appointments of women of color to the board of directors, executive team, and other leadership positions.

6. 50% of Pinterest’s leadership team is white.

According to the company’s latest Diversity Report (published in 2022), white people make up 38% of Pinterest’s total workforce but hold 50% of leadership roles.

Black employees make up 7% of the total US workforce and 4% of leadership positions. Natives (“American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders”) make up 1% of both.

Source: Pinterest

7. Pinterest has promised to increase the number of employees from underrepresented races and ethnicities by up to 20% by 2025.

In its 2020 Inclusion and Diversity Report, Pinterest announced that by 2025, their workforce will be 20% “people from underrepresented races and ethnicities.”As of 2023, the company has already achieved half of that target, i.e. 16%, and the report noted that “we are on track to meet this target ahead of our original schedule.”

The company also stated its commitment to creating a more inclusive culture through leadership diversity, as reflected in its 2021 statistics: 33% of leadership positions were held by women.

These Pinterest marketing statistics illustrate the company’s commitment to creating a more diverse and inclusive work environment. The Company is confident that these goals are achievable and will continue to strive to ensure that underrepresented groups have an equal chance of success within the organization.

Source: Pinterest

8. By 2023, Pinterest is committed to converting offices to 100% renewable energy.

In September 2022, Pinterest made a commitment to purchase 100% renewable electricity for its offices around the world by 2023. The move is an important step towards reducing their global greenhouse gas emissions and saving energy in their offices.

Starting from its San Francisco headquarters, Pinterest will receive 100% renewable electricity through the CleanPowerSF SuperGreen program and acquire energy attribute certifications in accordance with a set of guidelines. Their global real estate portfolio, which spans countries such as the US, Japan and Brazil, will prioritize projects located in the country where the electricity was consumed, sources from projects that provide the most impact on the system and support local communities.

9. Pinterest trends move 20% faster in the first six months than other platforms.

Black Swan and Pinterest data show that trends on Pinterest move 20% faster in the first six months than trends on other platforms. This means marketers who can identify and capitalize on emerging trends can stay ahead of the curve in terms of cultural relevance for their advertisers and brands.

10. Pinterest trends last 21% longer than other online trends.

A 2022 official Pinterest blog post reports that Pinterest trends have seen monthly growth 21% longer than other online trends. This is especially useful for brands and companies looking to gain a competitive edge in their field, as they can use Pinterest’s long-term investment in research and development to predict future trends.

pinterest user stats

Check out these Pinterest user statistics to understand the platform’s demographics.

11. Gen Z and men are the fastest growing audience on Pinterest

Women have always outperformed men on Pinterest. But in a 2021 blog post, the company’s global head of business marketing calls Generation Z and men one of the platform’s fastest growing demographics.

Male Pinners and Generation Z Pinners are up 40% year-on-year, according to Pinterest.

Source: Hootsuite 2022 Digital Trends Report

12. Women make up over 60% of the global Pinterest audience.

While the number of Gen Z and male users is on the rise, Pinterest still primarily caters to women, who make up over 60% of their global user base.

When it comes to their advertising audience, the gender breakdown looks a bit different. As of January 2022, Pinterest has a female audience of 76.7%, a male audience of 15.3%, and the rest is unspecified—that’s about a 1% change from January 2021.

13. Women aged 25-34 make up 29.1% of Pinterest’s ad audience.

Women outperform men and non-binary users in every age group, but this is especially noticeable in the 25 to 34 age group. Findings from Pinterest’s self-service tools also show that Pinterest demographics are skewed among young people, especially women.

Source: Hootsuite 2022 Digital Trends Report

14. 85.9% of Pinterest users also use Instagram.

This makes Instagram the social media platform with the largest audience overlap with Pinterest (Facebook follows at 82.4%, followed by Youtube at 77.5%).

The platform with the least audience overlap with Pinterest is Reddit, with only 24.5% of Pinterest users also using Reddit.

Source: Hootsuite 2022 Digital Trends Report

15. 1.5% of Internet users name Pinterest as their favorite social network.

Doesn’t sound like much, but since there are so many different social networks out there, 1.5% is not bad (for reference: there’s no denying that TikTok is huge, but only 5.6% of internet users aged 16 to 64 named its their favorite in 2021). It’s hard to be number one.

Source: Hootsuite 2022 Digital Trends Report

Pinterest usage statistics

Knowing what a Pinner does is often what separates a good marketing strategy from a mediocre one. Whether you’re looking for more followers or sales, these Pinterest facts and stats should guide your efforts.

16. 82% of people use Pinterest on mobile.

The number of mobile users of the platform changes slightly every year, but since at least 2018 it has exceeded 80%.

17. People watch about a billion videos a day on Pinterest.

Not everyone associates Pinterest with video, but this vertical on the platform is growing. To support growth, the company introduced Pinterest Premiere ad packs, which are built to support the targeting and reach of video campaigns.

18. 85% of Pinners say they use Pinterest to plan new projects.

Although people use Pinterest in different ways, a significant percentage of Pinners are planning. Often people come to the platform when they are in the early stages of a project or purchase decision.

19. Vacation planning starts 5 months in advance.

Christmas in July? On Pinterest, vacation planning starts as early as July. According to Pinterest marketing statistics, holiday-related searches peak advertising opportunities 5 months earlier.

Source: Pinterest

Their research also showed that advertisers who activated around a few holiday moments, such as Hanukkah, had 4x higher conversion rates than those who only activated around Christmas. With that in mind, Pinterest provides marketers with the opportunity to reach their audience early and stay in the spotlight throughout the season.

20. 8 out of 10 Pinterest users say they enjoy the platform.

Pinterest has succeeded where other platforms have failed. In fact, in an August 2020 report, Pinterest announced that up to 50% of UK users call it an “online oasis”. One reason people might think so is because the company banned political ads in 2018 and directed all election-related search traffic to Vote.org.

Pinterest also considers content moderation a means of protecting the platform from negativity. “If social media has taught us anything, it’s that unfiltered content causes negativity,”the company said in a report. “Without intentional moderation, platforms built on bringing people together have only polarized them in the end.”

pinterest search stats

Pinterest is more than just a digital cork board. It is also a powerful search engine. Use these Pinterest search stats to determine your Pinterest SEO strategy in 2023.

21. There are over 5 billion searches on Pinterest every month.

The Pinterest search engine performs more than 5 billion searches per month, according to Naveen Gavini, SVP of Products at Pinterest. Gen Z searchers are particularly active, with pinner searches up 31% year-on-year, and audience searches up 96% year-on-year.

Source: Naveen Gavini

22. 97% of the top Pinterest searches are unbranded.

Why is it important? This means that pinners are open to discovering new products and ideas. AKA, good audience for ads: From October 2021 to October 2022, Pinterest ads reached 271 million users.

Source: Hootsuite 2022 Digital Trends Report

23. The most popular Pinterest searches in the US in 2022 included nails, dinner ideas, and dinner recipes.

When it comes to what people search on Pinterest in the US, some of the top searches include “nails”, “dinner ideas”, and “dinner recipes”. Other popular searches include “wallpaper backgrounds”, “tattoo ideas”, “wedding dresses”and “women with short hair”.

Source: Pinterest

24. Searches containing “weight loss” have decreased by 20% since 2021.

In July 2021, Pinterest updated its ad policy to ban all ads with weight loss language and images. Since then, searches for the word “weight loss”have dropped by 20% as Pinterest users become more aware of the platform’s commitment to promoting healthy lifestyles and body image.

The updated policy made Pinterest one of the first major platforms to ban all weight loss ads.

25. Over the past year, the number of requests for “trans-pride”has increased by 80%.

Pinterest is a place for everyone, including the growing number of transgender and non-binary pinners. Over the past year, the number of searches for “trans pride”has increased by 80%, and the number of requests related to “trans mask aesthetic”has increased 5 times. Similarly, “transgirl inspiration”increased by 66% and “non-binary aesthetic fashion”increased by 5x.

26. The number of requests for “black hair”has increased up to 15 times.

Pinterest has long been home to hair inspiration, and black hair is no exception. Pinterest recently introduced Hair Pattern Search, a computer vision-based object detection tool that allows Pinners to refine hair searches against six different hair patterns.

Over the past year, searches for “hairstyles for black hair” have increased 15 times, “natural hair protection” has increased 15 times, and searches related to “best haircuts for thick wavy hair” have increased 13 times.

27. Pinterest generates 10x more brand searches outside of the platform compared to other platforms.

While Pinterest is often seen as a place where people can discover and plan, it also produces meaningful results. Off-platform branded searches are 10 times higher on Pinterest than on other platforms. This is because people come to the platform hesitant and leave with an idea in mind, which helps them move from inspiration to implementation more efficiently.

Source: Pinterest

28. Pinners Revise Search Trends More Than Once

The data shows that when people interact with trends on Pinterest, they don’t just search for them once. People often come back to view these Pins multiple times while searching outside of their original category or vertical. This gives brands the opportunity to lead trends in additional product categories. Not to mention reaching audiences outside of their original target demographic.

Pinterest Ecommerce Statistics

Pinterest is a rare place on the internet where people are open to branded content. Find out how other marketers have found success with the app with these Pinterest stats.

29. In 2021, the number of purchases increased by 20%.

Let’s talk about Pinterest ecommerce statistics. In 2021 , Pinterest reported that “Pinners interacting with marketplaces grew over 20% both quarterly and year-on-year in Q4 [2021].”

In the same report, Pinterest reported that catalog downloads had doubled globally, and were up over 400% year-on-year in international markets.

This growing statistic was part of what prompted Pinterest to launch AR Try-On for Home Decor, which gives users the ability to use Pinterest’s camera to see home decor and furniture items in their own space.

30. 75% of weekly Pinterest users say they always shop

Pinterest users are set to consume – according to the company’s Channel Optimization Guide, people who use Pinterest on a weekly basis are 40% more likely to say they love to shop and 75% more likely to say they always shop.

31. Pinners are 5 times more likely to buy pins with a try-in function.

Using one of Pinterest’s three augmented reality platforms (Lipstick Try On, Eyeshadow Try On, and Home Decor Try On) can mean significant growth for your business.

According to Pinterest, users are five times more likely to buy something if they can try it in AR. Pinners are specifically looking for pins to try on – searches for cameras with lenses are up 126% year-over-year.

Pinterest marketing statistics

32. Pins with the word “new” in overlay text increase recognition by 9 times.

According to Pinterest, people notice that things are “new”. And they remember them more. So if you are launching something new or new and improved, be sure to include this word.

33. 45% of people in the US with a household income of $100,000 use Pinterest.

Pinners spend money, and Pinterest recognizes this. According to the company’s own statistics, 45% of US residents with a household income of $100,000 use Pinterest. This is an audience you don’t want to miss out on, giving luxury brands and high net worth businesses the perfect opportunity to reach their target demographic.

34. 85% of Pinners use Pinterest when starting a new project.

Pinterest is not only a platform for discovery and inspiration, but also a tool to help people start new projects. 85% of its users use the platform when starting a new project, whether it’s renovating a home, planning a vacation, or starting their own business.

35. 80% of Pinners discovered a new brand or product on Pinterest.

Brand discovery is one of the most powerful benefits Pinterest offers to businesses. 80% of its users have discovered or plan to discover a new brand or product through Pinterest. This means that with an effective Pinterest marketing strategy, your business can reach and reach a large audience.

Pinterest ad stats

Want to improve your advertising game in 2023? These Pinterest ad stats will make you think about your future strategy.

36. Advertisers can reach over 250 million people on Pinterest.

The quarterly change in Pinterest ad reach was 169 million in October 2020 and 271 million in October 2022. Part of this increase is a result of Pinterest adding more countries to its ad targeting portfolio.

However, over 86 million Pinterest ad audience members are based in the United States, more than three times the number of the country in second place (Brazil, 34 million). But South American countries are on the rise, with Germany, France, the UK and Canada following the US in 2020 and 2021. The US is now followed by Brazil and Mexico (then Germany, France, the UK and Canada).

Source: Hootsuite 2022 Digital Trends Report

37. Automatic bidding delivered 30% more budget on Black Friday 2021

In a letter to shareholders, Pinterest says automated bidding was key to Black Friday’s effectiveness. They also informed investors that their own solutions will be the focus of investment in the future.

By the end of 2021, the number of advertisers using Pinterest Conversion Analysis (PCA) and Pinterest Conversion List (PCL) increased by 100%.

38. 8 out of 10 Pinterest predictions for 2021 came true.

If you’re using Pinterest to advertise in 2022, you need to know what your audience will like, and while no one can predict the future, Pinterest has a reputation for making fairly accurate, informed guesses.

Since eight out of ten of the company’s predictions for 2021 came true, their list of predictions for 2023 is a good source of inspiration for this year. Airy styles, Gemini hairstyles, whimsical micro-makeovers and rainy landscapes are sure to attract Pinners this year.

Other trends include Hipstoric homes (search for “eclectic vintage interior design”is up 850%) and Crown Care (search for head massage techniques is up 55%).