How to Fix Insignia TV Blue Screen Issue

Insignia has a budget TV. If you’re on a budget and want a TV with lots of features, you can choose the Insignia TV. It serves the purpose of low-budget television, but may have drawbacks such as poor quality equipment. Many users have reported that they are experiencing a blue screen on their Insignia TV. This article is for you if you are facing blue tint issue with Insignia TV.


Fix Insignia TV blue tint issue

This article discusses the various troubleshooting steps to help resolve your Insignia TV Blue Tint issue.

Turn your TV off and on again

Turning your TV on and off should do the trick. Typically, such problems occur due to software glitches, if not due to hardware problems. When you turn your TV off and on again, everything will fail and fix the problem you’re having. To do this, follow the steps given below:

  • Turn off the TV first. ‘
  • Now unplug the TV’s power cable from the power source.
  • Wait a minute or two after unplugging the power cord.
  • Now plug the power cord into a power source and turn on the TV.
  • See if you’re experiencing the Insignia TV Blue Tint issue.

Try reconnecting the HDMI cable

Reconnecting the HDMI cable should also fix the issue. This method has worked for many users, so you can try it. To do this, follow the steps given below.

  • Press the power button on the TV to turn it off.
  • Now disconnect the HDMI cable from the TV.
  • Wait a few seconds, then reconnect the HDMI cable to the TV.
  • After that, turn on the TV by pressing the Power button again , which should solve the problem.

Switch input source

Many times you may run into a problem with a particular input source. Switch to a different source and see if you’re facing the issue. For example, if you have connected an HDMI cable to the HDMI 1 port, you can switch to any other HDMI port. After switching the input source, check if you are facing the issue.

Reset Insignia TV

If a blue tint appears on the TV screen, this may be due to incorrect settings or corrupted cache data. You should try resetting your Insignia TV and see if that solves the problem. The steps to reset Insignia TV are as below:

  • First, you must turn off the TV and unplug it from the power supply.
  • Now press and hold the” Start “button on the remote of our TV.
  • Release the button and turn off the TV for a few minutes.
  • Now reconnect the power cord to the power supply and turn it back on.

Contact support

If the above steps didn’t help, the issue might be related to hardware issues. If your TV is old, it could be due to an issue with the display panel or the backlight, which could be causing the problem. You will need to contact Insignia support and request a technician visit. You can contact customer support through their website by clicking on this link. A technician will come to you and check your TV for a problem.

If the equipment needs to be replaced, a technician will assist you with this; they will tell you what to do next. If your TV is under warranty, you won’t have to pay for repairs, but if it’s not under warranty, you’ll have to pay for repairs.

Final words

These were some of the steps to fix the Insignia TV Blue Tint issue. Such problems most often occur with older TVs due to faulty hardware. If you encounter this issue, please follow the steps above. The steps mentioned above should help resolve the issue.