Animal Crossing New Horizons List of all insect creatures

Animal Crossing New Horizons is a social simulation game created by Nintendo. You can do whatever you want in the game like dig, fish, catch bugs, cook, etc., and the fun increases when you are with your friends. Speaking of catching bugs, there are a lot of bugs in the game. Some of them are seasonal, while others are here all year round. By catching the right ones, you can get a huge reward. In this guide, I will show you a list of all the bugs in Animal Crossing New Horizons.

List of all bugs in Animal Crossing New Horizons

With a wide variety of bugs in the game, here is a list of all the bug creatures in Animal Crossing New Horizons.

No.NameSelling priceAvailability in the Northern HemisphereAvailability in the Southern Hemisphere
1Giraffe Deer12000July AugustJanuary to February
2golden deer12000July AugustJanuary to February
3Horned Hercules12000July AugustJanuary to February
4giant deer10,000July to AugustJanuary to February
5Scarab beetle10,000July AugustJanuary to February
6cyclommat deer8000July AugustJanuary to February
7goliath beetle8000June to SeptemberDecember to March
8Horned Atlas8000July AugustJanuary to February
9horned elephant8000July AugustJanuary to February
10Scorpion8000May to OctoberNovember to April
elevenTarantula8000November to AprilMay to October
12rainbow deer6000June to SeptemberDecember to March
13striped dragonfly4500May to OctoberNovember to April
14Imperial butterfly4000December to March and June to SeptemberJune to September and December to March
15Birdwing of Queen Alexandra4000May to SeptemberNovember to March
16Butterfly Agrias3000April to SeptemberOctober to March
17Atlas Moth3000April to SeptemberOctober to March
18Dung-beetle3000December to FebruaryJune to August
19Great Purple Emperor3000May to AugustNovember to February
20Beetle Rosalia Batesi3000May to SeptemberNovember to March
21Madagascar sunset moth2500April to SeptemberOctober to March
22peacock butterfly2500March to JuneSeptember to December
23Birdwing of Raja Brook2500December to February and April to SeptemberJune to August and October to March
24Wasp2500Whole yearWhole year
25gem beetle2400April to AugustOctober to February
26orchid mantis2400March to NovemberSeptember to May
27Giant water beetle2000April to SeptemberOctober to March
28Saw Deer2000July AugustJanuary to February
29tiger beetle1500February to OctoberAugust to April
thirtyHorned dynastid1350July to AugustJanuary to February
31Cancer hermit1000Whole yearWhole year
32stink beetle with human face1000March to OctoberSeptember to April
33Deer Miyama1000July to AugustJanuary to February
34butterfly kite1000Whole yearWhole year
35Blue weevil800July to AugustJanuary to February
36diving beetle800May to SeptemberNovember to March
37bag girl600Whole yearWhole year
38migratory locust600August to NovemberFebruary to May
39Spider600Whole yearWhole year
40walking leaf600July to SeptemberJanuary to March
41Cane600July to NovemberJanuary to May
42evening cicada550July to AugustJanuary to February
43dragonfly500November to FebruaryMay to August
44giant cicada500July to AugustJanuary to February
45mole cricket500November to MayMay to November
46violin beetle450May to June and September to NovemberMarch to May and November to December
47Bell Cricket430September to OctoberMarch to April
48Mantis430March to NovemberSeptember to May
49rice grasshopper400August to NovemberFebruary to May
50Walker Cicada400August to SeptemberFebruary March
51citrus barbel350Whole yearWhole year
52Centipede300September to JuneMarch to December
53common butterfly300April to AugustOctober to February
54ground dung beetle300July to SeptemberJanuary to March
56reliable cicada300July and AugustJanuary to February
57brown cicada250July to AugustJanuary to February
58tablet error250September to JuneMarch to December
59Snail250Whole yearWhole year
60tiger butterfly240March to SeptemberSeptember to March
61Darner Dragonfly230April to OctoberOctober to April
62drone beetle200June to AugustDecember to February
63Bee200March to JulySeptember to January
64Ladybug200March to June and OctoberApril and September to December
65long locust200April to NovemberOctober to May
66Wharf Roach200Whole yearWhole year
67red dragonfly180September to OctoberMarch to April
68common butterfly160September to JuneMarch to December
69Grasshopper160July to SeptemberJanuary to March
70yellow butterfly160March to June and September to OctoberMarch to April and September to December
71monarch butterfly140September to NovemberMarch to May
72Cricket130September to NovemberMarch to May
73mosquito130June to SeptemberDecember to March
74butterfly130Whole yearWhole year
75Prudskater130May to SeptemberNovember to March
76stinky120March to OctoberSeptember to April
77Ant80Whole yearWhole year
78flea70April to NovemberOctober to May
79Fly60Whole yearWhole year
80cicada shell10July to AugustJanuary to February

This was the list of bugs in Animal Crossing New Horizons. I hope this guide has helped you.