Apple won’t have to let iPhone apps use third-party payments tomorrow

Apple won a last-minute injunction that would have required the company to allow iPhone and iPad app developers to direct users to alternative payment methods.

The judge has given Apple until Dec. 9 to make the necessary changes to allow the use of external payment systems, so this suspension will come at the last possible moment. When Judge Gonzalez Rogers denied Apple’s initial request to overturn the ruling, the company filed an appeal with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. This call led to a new development.

Apple can now maintain the status quo on the matter until the appeal is settled, likely many months from now.

Here are the key parts of the application provided by 9to5Mac:

Apple Inc. (“Apple”) partially waived the permanent injunction issued by the District Court on September 10, 2021, pending appeal. Apple’s offer (Dkt. Entry #19) is granted.

Apple has demonstrated, at a minimum, that its appeal raises serious questions about the merits of the district court’s decision that Epic Games, Inc. has not demonstrated that Apple’s behavior violates any antitrust laws, but has shown that the same behavior violates the California Unfair Competition Act.

Apple has also convincingly demonstrated irreparable damage and that the remaining factors favor maintaining part (i) of the injunction and maintaining the status quo pending appeal.. .

Therefore, we grant Apple’s motion to stay part (i) of paragraph (1) of the permanent injunction. The suspension remains in effect until the Mandate issues this appeal. The current schedule of briefings remains in effect.

This delay doesn’t mean Apple won’t have to make changes eventually; it simply means that the discussion will continue. Epic Games has also appealed other aspects of Judge Gonzalez Rogers’ decision, so the legal battle could go on for a long time.

It also doesn’t affect a previous court ruling that Apple allows communication with users about alternative payment systems outside of apps using the user’s contact information obtained from the app.