Apple wins major victory over potential mobile browser market dominance

Apple wins a major victory over potential dominance in the mobile browser market. A major setback for the UK Competition and Markets Authority.

Apple has just dealt a major blow to the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) in its efforts to regulate the US tech giant. The Cupertino-based company recently won an appeal that was launched last fall by the British regulator. The CMA launched a full market investigation into Apple and Google in November. The regulator said at the time that many UK companies felt constrained by the two tech giants’ “chokehold”on mobile browsing. The investigation also had to determine whether Apple was restricting the cloud gaming market with its rules in the App Store.

Apple wins major victory over potential mobile browser market dominance

According to Reuters, the Apple brand managed to convince the regulator that it “has no right”to investigate its position in the mobile navigation market. The company said CMA should have launched an investigation when it first released its mobile ecosystem report last June. The Competition Court of Appeals (CAT), the court that oversees all CMA cases, ruled in favor of Apple, saying the regulator gave too late warning of the investigation.

The Cupertino-based company said it is “delighted”with CAT’s decision, adding that it “will continue to do everything we can to support developers and keep users safe.”Of course, the CMA, for its part, is far less pleased with the outcome of this case.

A major setback for the UK Competition and Markets Authority

“We are disappointed with today’s decision. We conducted this market research to ensure that UK consumers have the best choice of mobile internet services and that UK developers can invest in innovative new applications. Apple did not dispute our concerns and the reasons why we started the market research,” the regulator said in a statement. “Given the importance of today’s decision, we will review our options, including seeking leave to appeal.”