Apple sues NSO Group over Pegasus spyware

Apple wants to sue NSO Group to accuse the company of creating Pegasus spyware.

There is a large amount of malware in circulation today. Some throw, so to speak, a wide net, others are more focused. Among the targets of choice for hackers are mobile devices. Our smartphones, which are with us every day, contain our entire digital life. One type of malware that Apple is not happy about is the Pegasus NSO Group spyware, which is used by governments to spy on certain minorities and individuals.

Apple wants to sue NSO Group

Among the targets of Pegasus are activists, journalists and other opponents of governments, who often oppose various forces on the ground. The Cupertino-based company recently announced that it would be suing the NSO Group in hopes of holding the company liable for creating said spyware, software that is used to spy on users of its products, including the iPhone.

Make the company responsible for creating Pegasus spyware

The apple brand seeks to prevent the company from using its products for any future research purposes. Craig Federighi, Apple’s vice president of software engineering, said in a statement, “State-backed players like the NSO Group are spending millions of dollars on sophisticated surveillance technology with no accountability. This has to change.”

He added: “Apple devices are the most secure for the general public on the market, but private companies developing nationally supported spyware have become even more dangerous. While these cyber security threats only affect a very small number of our customers, we take all attacks against our users very seriously and are constantly working to strengthen iOS security and privacy protections to keep our users safe.”