Axie Infinity Triangle: what is it and which class is better? (explanation)

Axie Infinity is a turn-based PvP/PvE video game with a play-to-earn mechanic. This game is based on NFT/Blockchain technology where you fight and breed balloon-like creatures. You must start the game by purchasing three Axies which will cost you 0.059 ETH or $23. But before we move on, we would like to disclaim that this article is purely about the class triangle and not financial advice. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, we can continue further in this guide. While many players are baffled by the Axie Infinity class triangle, we’ll show you what it is and which one is the best.

What is an Axie Infinity class triangle?

Image Source: Coach Rev (YouTube)

Simply put, the Axie Infinity Class Triangle shows which class is stronger or weaker compared to another class. The triangle is used to represent the same. Whereas Axie Infinity has 6 main classes and 3 secret classes that you get by breeding two different classes.

Various classes of Axie Infinity:

  • Factory
  • Reptile
  • water
  • Beast
  • Error
  • Bird
  • Dawn (Secret class)
  • Twilight (Secret class)
  • Fur (Secret class)

What is the best class in Triangle?

While Plant seems to be the best class in Axi’s Infinity Triangle at the time of writing, the secret classes aren’t far behind. The plant class are good tank characters and will be very useful as one of the three axes you will start with.

Dawn is also a great class but can be quite expensive and difficult to breed. So the Beast or Bird class can be a good alternative. Along with the class, your Axie Infinity battles will also depend on the abilities or combat cards for each character.

This is all that is in the Axie Infinity class triangle.