Bitcoin prophet Tim Draper shares his investment rules and vision for the future

Bitcoin prophet Tim Draper lays out his investment rules and vision for the future with cryptocurrencies.

Tim Draper is a billionaire, like many people in the world today. The man is a big supporter of bitcoin (BTC), a cryptocurrency that he says is changing the world. Proud of his successes, well aware of his failures, he explains today, in particular, his investment rules. When Tim Draper speaks, cryptocurrency fans listen.

Bitcoin Prophet Tim Draper Reveals Rules for Investing

Tim Draper knew failure, he says it loud and clear, especially at Theranos, but his intuition has allowed him to invest in companies like Tesla, SpaceX, Coinbase or even Ledger. Heavy, very heavy. And if you’re looking for golden rules when it comes to investing, know that, according to him, successful companies usually have one leader and a team that trusts him. On the other hand, successful projects often take place in a market that is not too restricted or regulated, and often ignores industry standards. The third and final rule: the level of funds required for the success of a project is an amount that promoters do not need to know about from the very beginning: “When it comes to raising funds, it is better to plan a long way than to run out halfway.

For Tim Draper, it is more important to focus on the positive impact of the project if it succeeds than on the possible problems: “Other investors [Draper Associates] are wondering what could go wrong. I’m wondering what might happen if this works. And if it works and something truly extraordinary happens to humanity and society – then it might be worth a try.”

And his vision of the future thanks to cryptocurrencies.

And in this little game, Tim Draper has a great nose. In 2014, he won nine lots, which equates to a total of 29,656 BTC confiscated by US marshals. Back then, Bitcoin was worth $640. According to him, in late 2022 or early 2023, Bitcoin could be worth $250,000. Real success. If Tim Draper has been a bitcoin supporter for a very long time, he still seems to be the same: “I would like to run a venture capital fund exclusively in bitcoin. I would invest in bitcoin, the company would pay its employees with bitcoin, suppliers with bitcoin, and it would all be a closed loop on the blockchain, driven by smart contracts.” Therefore, there is no need to specify that for him the legalization of bitcoins in some countries, especially in Latin America, is very good.

However, in addition to bitcoin, the billionaire is passionate about a whole family of digital assets, including the most controversial central bank digital currencies (MNBC or CBDC). The future is moving, there is no doubt: “Will I exchange my euro for a drachma or a French franc? Not at all. Instead, I look forward to the day when I can buy food, clothes, and a house with Bitcoin. And when I can do that, why the hell should I keep dollars? At the same time, the boundaries themselves may fall: “I hope that one day my grandchildren will ask me what the boundary is, and when I explain it to them, they will say – this is just stupid, big father.” The future will tell if Tim Draper is right!