Can You Save Eugene In Choo-Choo Charles? How To

Feeling sad about Eugene and wish to save him in Choo-Choo Charles? You have come to the right place. We have found a way to save this character from death. But you’ll have to face a lot of hardship to save him. And Charles will be a lot tougher to beat here. You might have to run the same sequence several times to achieve your goal. And this also contains some spoilers. So if you have just started the game, complete its first run and then use this guide for saving Eugene in the second and more runs.

Can You Avoid Eugene’s Death in Choo-Choo Charles?

How To Stop Eugene From Dying In Choo-Choo Charles

If you have completed the first run or finished the tutorial, then you must be aware of how the tutorial ends with Eugene’s death. And you can do nothing to save him after he falls. But if you get all weapons and train to maximum potential before the first ride, then you might be able to find a safe spot to stop a train before Eugene dies in Choo-Choo Charles. You can keep the train on the bridge, which you blast in the end, and the game will keep Charles out. But this will start the chase, where Charles will never leave and keep following you everywhere you go. And this will hinder the main story. NPC will be so afraid that they will not talk to you, and you’ll be stuck.

So what else can you do? You have to complete the story before boarding the first train. In short, you’ll have to change the sequence of the Choo-Choo Charles story. And only board the train when you have obtained the eggs and key. You can place the egg and then come to board the train. Or you can board the train, keep it at a safe spot, and place eggs while Charles is chasing. No matter what you do, you have to face the toughest version of Charles when you alter the storyline.

With this, you can now save Eugene from dying in Choo-Choo Charles. If you found this guide useful, and are wondering how it’s supposed to end without alteration, read Choo-Choo Charles ending explained.