What’s new in Chrome and ChromeOS 107

Chrome and ChromeOS will soon be updated to version 107 with their new features. Presentation of the most important.

Google updates Chrome regularly, like a Swiss cuckoo clock. Every month a new version of the browser, with new features and other changes for everyone. Chrome 107 specifically targets Chromebooks running ChromeOS 107, including camera features like Stage Manager and the ability to shut down your PC without putting it to sleep.

New features in Chrome 107

Google’s latest browser update, Chrome 107, is probably already installed on your computer. Pretty light update that brings some innovations nonetheless.

Google’s New CDM Is Officially Released

Chrome 107 is the first version of the browser to include the new Google Content Decryption Module (CDM). CDM allows you to play DRM-protected content. Without CDM, you won’t be able to watch Netflix because the browser won’t be able to check if you’re authorized to view the content.

Chrome and Chromium-based browsers currently use the Widevine CDM, but it will soon be replaced by the American giant. Chrome 107 is just the start of big changes. Other Chromium browsers will receive it from November 15th. December 6 CDM Widevine will stop working. By then, you will need to upgrade to watch DRM content.

Reducing the user agent

Google continues its user-agent shortening project. The goal is to reduce the amount of user data in the “user agent string”that typically lets servers and networks know about your application, operating system version, and other information about the server. Trackers may use this information to track you and build profiles of you.

With Chrome 107, Google is entering the fifth phase of its plan. Ultimately, this will better protect our online identity.

New features in ChromeOS 107

This time around, Google is focusing more on Chromebooks.


Anyone with a relatively new Chromebook and iPad will appreciate this change. ChromeOS 107 brings Camera Framing to compatible devices, a feature that uses software to track your head movements during a video call. This is very similar to the Apple Center Stage, making it easier to make eye contact with each other during a call. If your Chromebook is compatible, you will see a window to enable this feature. This will also be available from quick settings.

Close your Chromebook without putting it to sleep

If you’re the administrator of your Chromebook, you can disable the feature that automatically puts your device to sleep when you close it. If you just need to transfer it but want to keep some processes running, you’re saved.

Updates to Virtual Desktops

With ChromeOS 107, Google is introducing several updates to its virtual desktops. First, there is an opportunity to unite offices. Convenient for doing some household chores. In addition to the X to close the desktop in the overview, you will now see a merge icon that will merge that desktop with the one to the left of it.

It also becomes possible to save the desktop for later, sometimes for those times when you want to temporarily clear the desktop without losing its contents. The “Save desktop for later”button in the overview lets you save what you’ve been doing for later.

Long press to access additional keys

Chromebooks will soon be able to access secondary keys such as diacritics and special characters by long pressing the corresponding keys. This feature is under testing in ChromeOS 107, but you can enable it now. In a browser, type chrome://flags#enable-cros-diacritics-on-physical-keyboard-longpress and press Enter. Enable the setting, restart your browser and try.

Privacy indicators

Like macOS, ChromeOS will soon show you when an app is using your webcam or microphone. You’ll soon be able to test this with the Canary channel setup, which means you’ll need to download Chrome Canary if you haven’t already.