What Hourglasses Mean in Snapchat: Simple Ways

The Complete Guide to What Hourglasses Mean on Snapchat and More!

Snap Inc., the company behind multimedia instant messaging (IM) platform Snapchat, is making changes to its app so quickly that it can be hard to keep up with them, even if you’re an avid Snapchat user.

Therefore, we have prepared this guide to make things easier for you. Today we answer: what does the hourglass mean in Snapchat? Read on to find out the answer.

Snapchat – Overview

Snapchat is a popular instant messaging service available for both Android and iOS smartphones. Snap (as users usually call it) is the unofficial name of the app.

One of the platform’s key points is that each image, video, or message – also known as a snapshot – that you send by default is only shown to the recipient for a short time (set by the sender) before becoming inaccessible.

Initially, the fleeting or temporary nature of the application was intended to encourage more voluntary participation.

What is a Snapchat streak, also known as a Snapstreak?

Snapstreaks or Snapstreaks is an important feature that keeps users interacting with the messaging app. This feature was released to the market on April 6, 2015 and helped the app win a loyal fan base around the world.

In layman’s terms, streaks refer to the number of days two people sent snaps to each other without breaking the chain.

Plus, every day they post a snap, their streak gets longer. As such, Snapchat bars can also be thought of as a measure of your engagement with a particular Snapchat user.

The longest Snapchat streak recorded as of February 2022 is 2478+ days between Daniel and Robin.

Snapstreak starts when you send or receive snaps to a contact or friend in the app. To recognize your active shot, look for the fire emoji (🔥) next to your name on the chat screen.

The number next to the fire emoji continues to increase and represents the number of days the Snap Streak streak has been active.

To keep a Snapstreak, you must send and receive photos and videos (or Snaps) from your friends at least once every 24 hours. If you don’t, Snapstreak will be lost.

Snapchat has made it clear that only two interactions count towards Snapstreaks. These are photos and videos.

That’s all. It’s worth noting that the snap must be sent directly from the Snapchat camera interface. Sending a picture from the Camera Roll or the Memories tab will not affect your burst of pictures.

To some, Snapstreaks may seem completely pointless, but it’s not. Maintaining a Snapchat streak allows you to keep up with your friends’ busy schedules.

Another benefit is that you will boost your Snapchat score by maintaining those streaks. In addition, there are several Snapchat trophy rewards that you can unlock as you increase your streak.

How to start a streak on Snapchat?

You and your friend must send Snaps to each other for at least 3 consecutive days to start a Snapchat streak.

After the third day, a fire emoji (🔥) will be displayed next to your username and your friend’s username, with a number indicating how many days you have been in the strip.

Here are some step-by-step instructions to help you get started with stripe.

  • Ask a friend to start a series
  • Submit a snapshot of a photo or video clip
  • Tell a friend in the chat about the snap
  • Repeat the procedure every day for the next two days to start the series.

We will discuss these four steps in detail below.

1. Ask a friend to start a streak

Before you can start a streak on Snapchat, you must first request it or the other person won’t be sure if you want to start it or not. Alternatively, you can also just let things happen organically.

There are 3 ways to request a series.

First, you can send a message requesting this to get started. Do you want to start a series? For example, this is one of the great questions.

This is effective if you are already friends with the person or know them well. Also, if you ask the person directly, they will be more committed to the strip if they agree.

However, they can refuse the offer if they wish. You shouldn’t be upset if someone refuses to start a streak because they don’t use Snapchat often. In such situations, find friends who are very active on the platform and ready to join you.

The second method is to include a story with the question “Stripes?”. This is a very effective way to ask everyone you know if they want to start a streak. This way you don’t have to send separate messages. If they do, they will be able to directly respond to your story.

If they don’t, they don’t have to say no because they might just ignore your story.

This is a softer approach to the series request because including it in your story allows people to respond in the way they see fit.

Finally, you can start the streak on your own. This is one of the hardest ways to start a streak because both partners have to send pictures to each other on a daily basis and neither brings up the issue.

To use this approach, you must either send a snap or wait for them to send one to you. If you send them a snap and they responded with one, do the same the next day.

When the person does not snap back, it suggests they aren’t interested in starting a streak, or they aren’t sure if they want to start one.

2. Send a snap of either a photo or video clip

After you’ve found someone who wants to start a Snapchat streak with you, you should send them a snap. You can send them a photo or a video clip. Send them a snap using the following method:

  • Launch Snapchat on your device
  • Tap the camera icon to take a video or photo
  • Select “Send To”
  • Choose the individual to whom you wish to send the snap. (You can also select multiple users).
  • When the snap is sent, a red arrow with the status “Delivered” will appear.
  • When a person opens a snap, the status “Open”appears.
  • Snap can be played once. If the user plays back the snap, you’ll see the message “X has played your snap!”under him. Then wait for them to respond.

Note. Snapshots only work if you’re sending a photo or video, not a text message.

3. Tell a friend in the chat about the snap

Then you have to wait for them to respond with a click. We suggest sending a quick text message to the chat window and asking them to reply immediately after viewing it.

As mentioned above, the streak can only work if both partners send each other a photo/video snap within three days in a row.

Thus, if the other person did not respond with a click, the streak would not start. Also, if one person forgets to send a snap before the end of the third day, the series must be restarted.

In other words, both parties must work again for three consecutive days. So, before you start a streak with someone, you must fully commit yourself to it.

4. Repeat the procedure every day for the next two days to start the series.

After you grapple with each other for more than three days in a row, a fire emoticon with a number will appear next to your username. To keep Snapstreak going, you have to snap at each other every day.

For example, if the status (15🔥) is present next to your username, it means you have been on Snapstreak with another user for 15 consecutive days.

If the fire emoji disappears after 3+ days, the streak has been interrupted and must be restarted. However, if you believe that your streak was interrupted due to some technical error, you can contact Snapchat support to get it back.

After you’ve lashed out at each other for three days in a row, you’ll want to repeat this process for as many days as possible.

Some people have been on Snapstreak for hundreds of days (which requires a huge amount of commitment).

What does the hourglass (⏳) mean in Snapchat?

The hourglass icon (⏳) works similarly to Snapchat’s countdown timer. The company introduced this indicator to alert users that their Snapstreak with another user is nearing expiration and they need to take action to keep that streak going.

It’s just a warning symbol that your productivity is declining and that you need to step up your Snapchat game so that the hourglass icon can be replaced with a fire icon.

The hourglass emoji disappears shortly after you make a new Snap to keep Snapstreak alive.

If you see an hourglass emoji next to your Snapchat name, it means you have about 4 hours to send or receive a snap (photo or video) to save Snapstreak.

What does 100 (💯) emoji next to Snapstreak mean?

A hundred (💯) emoji on Snapchat refers to a series of snaps that lasted 100 consecutive days. This emoji appears next to your name and your friend’s name on Snapchat and disappears the next day.

Hundred emoji replaces the standard stripe emoji (🔥). However, it is worth noting that this emoji will only appear on the 100th day. When Snapstreak reaches day 101, the default fire emoji will return.

Quick Strategies for Maintaining Snapstreak

Now that you’ve created a Snapstreak, here are some tips to help you keep it as long as possible.

1. Focus on the people you usually hang out with

It is pointless to try to start a rapid streak with someone with whom you rarely communicate. Of course, this is possible, but there is a high probability that the person will lose interest.

Remember that the first few weeks are the hardest, but when you reach a certain number of days in a row, both players put in the game and it gets easier.

The easiest way to get over the initial barrier is to start snapstreaking with people you’ve already taken a lot of photos with.

2. Use blank photos

You don’t have to submit high quality photos to keep the series going. Instead, take a blank photo and add the words “Strip”to the caption.

You can use the same image every day and your score will keep going up. This is one of the easiest ways to hack Snapchat.

3. Stick to a specific time of day

In general, it’s best to start your Snapstreaks later in the day, especially if you only want to send one snap each day.

This will make you see the hourglass emoji for hours before your time runs out.

However, for early risers, the best time to send snaps is right after you wake up. You can even set a reminder as part of the alarm. You should use whichever method works best for you.

4. Reorganize your contact list

Some of your pictures may have been related to people you don’t consider your best friends.

As a result, they won’t show up in Snapchat’s best friends list. Renaming your contacts is the solution to this problem. Snapchat allows you to rename any of your friends so you can remember who they are.

To change a friend’s name or start a conversation with them, tap the Menu symbol in the top left corner and select Change Name. When choosing a new name, add “Aaa”as a prefix. As a result, the name will be fixed at the top of the list.

5. Learn your filters

Sometimes you can forget who you’re in a Snapstreak with, especially if you’re juggling multiple Snapstreaks at the same time. Luckily, there is a way to view your series without looking at your friends list.

If you’re getting ready to send a new snap, you’ll see a special Snapchat Streak filter. This will display the number of consecutive days you have accumulated in large white numbers next to the flame emoji.

What doesn’t count towards Snapstreak?

Snapstreaks do not occur in any of the following in-app interaction modes.

1. Text messages

Messages, unfortunately, do not count. As a rule, you do not send pictures while communicating with people. The result is a separate interaction.

If you contact someone multiple times within 24 hours without sharing an image or video, your streak will end. Emoticons and stickers also don’t count as snapshots for your series.

2. Group interaction

Further, Snapchat does not count any group interactions towards your streak. If you have a snapshot with another user and you’re both members of the same group, sending a snapshot to that group will not affect the burst. Keep tethering straight to your friend to keep the flame going.

3. Memories

Sometimes Snapchat may select a memory from your collection so you can share it with a friend. Although it is an image, it is not considered a fresh snapshot and therefore does not affect your burst.

4. Stories

When you post a story, you create a snap. However, this binding does not fit. Everyone sees it, including your friend. If Snapstreak counted stories, you’d probably have a fire emoji.

5. Snapchat glasses

Snapchat points are still available, and if you use them from time to time, you should know that they don’t contribute to your streak.

How do I remove the hourglass (⏳) emoji from Snapchat?

When you see an hourglass (⏳) emoji next to the name of a buddy you have a streak with, know that you have about 4 hours left to send or receive a snap from that particular pal before your current streak with them will end. Once you send them a picture, the hourglass emoji will disappear.

What to do if the hourglass icon (⏳) appears even though you support Snapstreak?

There have been a few instances where the hourglass icon would appear and then the burning/fire icon would disappear despite users honestly supporting their Snapstreak. In this case, it is recommended that you contact Snapchat support and let them know about the problem.

Snapchat support staff will resolve your issue so that the hourglass icon is no longer displayed next to your profile and the flame icon is back.

If you think your Snapstreak has expired but you haven’t missed a day, contact Snapchat support and you can get it back.

  • Launch the Snapchat app on your device.
  • Go to “Settings”and scroll down to the “Support”section.
  • Select “I need help”
  • Select pictures
  • In the “What to do if my Snapstreak disappeared”section, select “Tell us.”
  • Now click “My picture is gone”.

Now let the Snapchat team take charge and bring your streak back. However, make sure you don’t contact them if your streak has been broken.

Final words…

To increase user engagement, the world’s leading social networks use a number of strategies. In general, the Snapchat feature called streaks can be thought of as a virtual relationship addiction system.

The Snapchat strip is just a way to stay true to the Snapchat app.

Remember that Snapchat simply provides the best way to share experiences with friends and keep you connected every day. On the other hand, teenagers and tweens take these instant streaks seriously.

For them, clicking back and forth is a habit. So, you might be wondering if Snapchat is safe for your kids. You can use parental control tools like fedex.ai to see if your kids are at risk when using Snapchat.

This informative guide will surely help you answer the question – what does an hourglass mean in Snapchat? We encourage you to use this feature as a fun way to stay in touch and not get nervous about breaking a streak.