Minecraft Color Codes: Everything You Need to Know

Minecraft is an award-winning 3D sandbox game known for its freedom and customization. You can customize everything from the style of the game to the design of your projects. The colors you enter for texts are no exception.

Customizing text color and style in Minecraft is useful and fun. This improves readability, improves team identification, and draws attention to the messages you share. We are here to help if you don’t know how to use this feature.

Minecraft Color and Format Codes

Formatting and color codes for Minecraft will help you customize the game even more. You can use different colors and font styles for text. For example, if you are angry, you can use bold. This may improve the gaming experience for some gamers.

What are the color codes in Minecraft?

In general, Minecraft color codes allow you to assign team colors, change the color of any in-game text, and even set the color of your leather armor. The game provides players with enough colors for utility.

There are various color codes available in Minecraft. The fantastic features of Minecraft color codes will give the player even more fun. Various game types and 3D structures are available in this game. The different Minecraft gradient colors allow you to stylize the game as you choose.

These colors change the appearance of the text on the player’s homepage. A wide range of colors can help designers design more engaging user interfaces. The stunning 3D graphics and color palettes of Minecraft have made it a huge success.

What are format codes in Minecraft?

Formatting is necessary if you want to change the size, style, appearance, or color of the text. Various such codes in the world of Minecraft allow you to change the font style of your text. Different format codes can be used for different text shapes and styles.

Color code usage:

Here are some of the main uses of the color code in Minecraft:

  1. To make the visual impact of your letter attractive
  2. To assign team colors
  3. To generate interest in your game:
  4. Dyed Leather Weapon Color Change:

1. To make the visual impact of your text attractive:

You can use these codes to make your text any color you like. You will do this to make your letter attractive. Gaining the interest of others is another option. With these stunning hues, your writing will intrigue and grab attention.

2. To assign team colors:

Minecraft color codes have many uses. To represent a specific team, you can use the color coding system. Color coding helps identify units. You can distinguish a team by using the color assigned to it in your game. Minecraft color codes are amazing.

3. To generate interest in your game:

Sometimes Minecraft users get bored with using the same color for writing. They begin to lose interest in their games. Minecraft color codes help players create unique, rare shades for their games.

4. Change the color of the dyed leather weapon:

Optimization plays a crucial role in Minecraft gameplay. The player can change the color of dyed leather weapons using the color codes included in the game’s source code. This is the use of Minecraft color codes for leather armor.

Using format code:

Minecraft allows you to make notifications bold or italic using format codes.

Network server communities use these codes. The Earth model found in Minecraft is a good example of this.

Color and format codes can change your Minecraft server name and chat settings. The use of color and text codes requires certain skills. So, let’s get started and learn about the available Minecraft colors and format codes.

When can you use color codes on your server?

You can use color codes in the following cases:

  • In Bedrock Edition you can use them in conversation, signs, things, world names and signs. They are especially useful for objects and world names.
  • Java Edition only uses color codes in server property files and world names. This means that it is less used. Add-ons allow these color codes to be used in other parts of the game.

How to use color codes in Minecraft?

Minecraft game instructions and chat support color codes and format codes. These programs will apply the settings to the Minecraft game.

To take advantage of the color codes, you need a special sign called a section sign. It bears some resemblance to the symbol §.

Follow these steps to create a sign with colored text on Android:

  • Put the sign on the ground.
  • You must enter §the character and then the corresponding number for the desired color. This is a color code, this is a color code.
  • For example, if you type some text, the dark blue Hello text will appear.

Close the server and then restart it after saving the changes. The new MOTD should appear in the correct color, which in our case should be gold.

Below is a list of all possibilities:

Dark red (dark red)§ 4\u00A7411141120AA0000
Red (red)§ With\u00A7c16733525FF5555
Gold (gold)§ 6\u00A7616755200FFAA00
Yellow (yellow)§ e>A7e16777045FFFF55
Dark green (dark_green)§ 2\u00A724352000AA00
Green (green)§ A\u00A7a563592555FF55
Aqua (aqua)§ bA7b563609555FFFF
Dark water (dark_aqua)§ 3\u00A734369000AAAA
Dark blue (dark_blue)§ 1\u00A711700000AA
Blue (blue)§ 9\u00A7955925755555FF
Light purple (light_purple)§ G=A7d16733695FF55FF
Dark purple (dark_purple)§ 5\u00A7511141290AA00AA
White(white)§ e\u00A7f16777215FFFFFF
Gray(grey)§ 7\u00A7711184810AAAAAAA
Dark gray (dark_gray)§ 8\u00A785592405555555
Black(black)§ 0\u00A70 000000


  • Color – the name of the color
  • minecraft_name is the internal color name.
  • CHAT code is the internal chat color code in Minecraft. It consists of a section sign and an alphabet or number for the next MiMinecraft color.
  • The MOTD code is the internal message code of the day. This code consists of \u00A7 and a hexadecimal digit. The hex digit is different for different colors in Minecraft. You can change the text color on your server.
  • HEX is the internal hexadecimal value of text color in Minecraft. This code also differs from one shade to another.
  • DECIMAL is the internal decimal value of the color.

The table above shows that Minecraft has a total of 16 built-in color codes. Use the auto clicker software in Minecraft to avoid entering the same information over and over again.

Text codes for Minecraft

A Minecraft player can experience many important elements. The simple availability of MiMinecraft for all users and devices is the best thing. Users can customize the text color and style in Minecraft.

Le Let’s see how things work, shall we?

Formatting includes changing fonts, sizes, styles, or appearance. Minecraft provides codes to change text fonts. Various text layouts are available. Below you will find all format codes for Minecraft.

Below is a complete list of all text formatting codes. Highlight your email with these codes:

Reset default color§R\u00A7r,YesYes


  • EFFECT – Format effect description
  • CHAT CODE – internal code for this format.
  • MOTD Code – The internal code of the “Message Of The Day”format is a MOTD code.
  • BEDROCK Yes/No. Is Minecraft Bedrock Edition compatible with this format?
  • JAVA Yes/No? – Is Minecraft JAVA Edition compatible with this format?

bottom line

In Minecraft, customization and modification have always played an important role. Color codes are another way to bring the game to life.

Changing the game’s color and format codes may affect the game’s appearance. Install the best minecraft mods to get more options for customizing game text.

Color in-game text, your team and your armor with these amazing Minecraft colors and codes!


What exactly is this game called Minecraft?

Players build and destroy various blocks in Minecraft, a 3D computer game. Players can choose between survival mode and creative mode.

How many people can play the game at the same time?

Versions for smartphones and tablets have a multi-user function using Wi-Fi. Minecraft allows you to play against other players in thousands of online games (servers).

How much does it cost to play minecraft?

The cost varies depending on the equipment purchased. Desktop users pay $26.95, tablet users $6.99, and Xbox users $20 (1600 points).

Where can I download Minecraft on my computer?

Click the URL to download it to your PC or Mac (www.minecraft.net). Visit the Xbox Games Store if you have an Xbox (www.marketplace.xbox.com). Amazon.com, iTunes App Store and Google Play sell mobile and tablet versions of this game.