Darknet-sur-Mer: Amazon’s new French comedy on the darknet

Amazon announces that filming for Darknet-sur-Mer has begun in the Charente-Maritime.

Produced by Rémi Faure and Julien Var with the help of the Selective Aid Fund set up by CNC to support the audiovisual production of streaming sites, Darknet-sur-Mer tells how Ben and Flo, two lovers of Ponet-sur-Mer, scam various clients on the darknet with a mysterious site VRASESIN. While the duo offer the false services of fearsome Albanian mafia assassins, Alkan, a real Albanian thug, tries to order the assassination of a gang leader…

The six-episode Darknet-sur-Mer miniseries will release later this year on the Amazon Prime Video streaming platform. The cast includes Artus, Theo Fernandez, Josephine Drai, Leon Plazol, Ymer Kutllovtsi, Isabelle Candelier, Vincent Desagna and Arie Elmaleh.