Discord revolutionizes online conversations with…forums

Discord is formalizing its forum channels, the little ones will be able to discover this concept of communication.

Messaging has evolved a lot over the years. Since the time of symbolic SMS, we have tried a number of very different concepts and services to come to this hegemony of instant messaging today. Can we still invent it? Can we go further? Discord is still seriously considering this, and according to the giant, it might come through… the forums.

Discord formalizes its forum channels

Discord, the messaging service that helped say goodbye to traditional forums, now wants to bring them back to life. More recently, the company has formalized forum channels, which are, well, exactly what you might imagine: a place for calm and thoughtful conversations, so to speak, away from the hectic pace of everyday life. You will find them just below these. When you create a forum, you can restrict posting permissions and set rules for conversations. The system is also compatible with Discord AutoMod to make it easier to clean up content. Help welcome when you know that moderation has always been a downside of forums.

The little ones will be able to discover this conversation concept

While it’s pretty cool to see the forum concept come back to life, it’s also fun to see how Discord makes the concept clear even to younger users. What they don’t know is that not so long ago we could persistently press the refresh key (F5) to reload pages and get the latest replies to such and such a conversation. Discord is often compared to the descendant of IRC, to which we have grafted a real-time voice chat system. Ultimately, it makes perfect sense in that sense that the service also takes us back to the good old days of the forums.