Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince Synthesis Guide

The Synthesis mechanic, otherwise known as the Fusion, in Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince is one of the most exciting features. Once you unlock it, you will be able to create a new species of monsters by combining your scouted monsters. You can easily take advantage of this fusion system by merging two powerful monsters and creating a mighty beast.

Although this in-game feature seems very beneficial, understanding how you can start this process and using it is quite confusing. Here is a guide with all the details you will need to learn more about the Synthesizing process and how you can use it to make your very own monster.

How to Unlock Synthesis in Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince

How To Unlock Synthesis In Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince

In order to unlock and start merging two monsters, you will have to patiently progress through the main storyline first. Once you successfully complete the Maulosseum’s Category G Arena, you will be able to start using the Synthesis feature. However, you will have to jump through a lot of hoops to get to this realm.

Once you are done with the tutorial, you will have to attempt and complete Endor Colosseum’s Category G arena. If you are successful, you will be able to unlock the Endor Colosseum’s Category F arena, immediately. Make sure you are well prepared, as the monsters you will face here will be quite powerful. If you are able to beat this category and win the tournament, you will then have to follow along the storyline and get to Nadiria.

Here, you will be able to take part in the Maulosseum’s Category G arena battle. If you are able to complete this tournament and win, you can go back to the Rosehill Tower and go to the basement. Here, you can interact with the NPC inside the tower to the unlock the Synthesis mechanic.

How to Fuse Monsters using Synthesis in Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince

How To Fuse Monsters Using Synthesis In Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince
Image Source – Gym Leader Ed

Once you visit Monty in the Rosehill Tower Basement, he will offer you two options you can use – Synthesis and Reverse Search. Once you select the ‘Synthesis’ option, a menu will open up and you will be able to see all the monsters you have scouted. Keep in mind that you will be able to use this mechanic for the Monsters that are level 10 or higher.

Also, once you start this process and find two eligible monsters you want to fuse, it is necessary to note that both those individual monsters will be gone after the fusion. Additionally, the ones that will have a black screen over them will not be eligible and can’t be incorporated while using this feature due to their lower level.

Once you have selected both the offspring’s, you can select the talents you would like in your new monster, according to your preference. Once you are happy with the options you have selected and the fusion is complete, you will have your new synthesized monster at level 1.