Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp may soon offer exclusive paid features

Meta is launching a new division called New Monetization Experiences to think about possible future paid features across its various apps.

Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp may soon have special features available only to users willing to pay to use them. According to a memorandum published by The Verge, Meta has created a new division called New Monetization Experiences that will focus on potential paid features for the company’s apps.

Meta is launching a new division called New Monetization Experiences.

While Facebook and Instagram already offer a number of paid features for creators, such as stars, paid events, and various subscription products, it looks like this new division at Meta will be separate from those initiatives. It should be noted that Meta has promised not to take a commission on the income of authors until 2023.

think about possible future paid features

It’s hard to say what kinds of paid features might see the light of day with such an initiative, but Meta’s VP of monetization John Hegeman told The Verge that the company is always keeping an eye on what the company is doing. the industry as a whole. Twitter, Snapchat and Telegram recently launched monthly subscriptions that unlock exclusive features and other perks for paid subscribers.

on various applications

Paid features can help Meta find new sources of income beyond ads. Meta’s advertising business, which has been making so much money in the past, has been hit hard in recent months by the changes initiated by iOS and the current global economic turmoil.

Who knows what this new division at Meta might be thinking. These paid features may also be of interest to non-creative users. To be continued!