FrontCameraMirror automatically fixes the mirror effect of your selfie camera

FrontCamMirror is a free jailbreak tweak by iOS developer Michael Melita that automatically mirrors any images taken with the front camera, giving them a more realistic look.

Whether you love selfies or use your front camera for other reasons, FrontCamMirror is a great way to save you the post-processing effort to remove the mirror effect.

With no options to tweak, the tweak does exactly what it’s advertised for and comes with a heartfelt recommendation from us.

If you’d like to try FrontCamMirror yourself, you can download the tweak for free from Michael Melita’s personal repository through your favorite package management app. The tweak supports jailbroken iOS 14 devices.

If you are not already using Michael Melita’s personal repository, you can access it at the URL below:

Are you planning to take advantage of FrontCamMirror? Let us know why or why not in the comments section down below.