Are you looking to catch the rare Sandy Shock aka Paradox Magneton in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet? If yes, then you have just arrived at the right place. This Electric/Ground-type Pokémon has no evolution. In addition to going through the campaign mode, players can take a break and do what they love – catching Pokémon. Luckily, there are plenty of them in these games, which makes the trainer’s collection even more valuable. Sandy Shocks is a Pokémon you won’t want to miss due to its rarity. That being said, here’s how and where you can catch it.
Note. Sandy Shocks (Paradox Magneton) is a Pokémon Scarlet exclusive. Unfortunately, players who have Pokemon Violet will not be able to catch it.
How to find and catch Sandy Shock in Pokemon Scarlet

Image Source – ConCon (YouYube)
Sandy Shocks becomes available after completing all Victory Road, Starfall Street and Path of Legends campaigns. This will unlock a secret path in the Paldea Great Crater (Zone Zero). This is the region where Sandy Shock appears in Pokemon Scarlet. For those who don’t know, Paldea Great Crater is located in the center of the map.

Sand tremors can be found near the rocks in the Great Crater of Paldea. To be precise, you can find this Pokemon spawn near Research Station 2. After leaving Research Station 2, head to the left to finally find and catch Sandy Shock in Pokemon Scarlet.
How to get Sandy Shock in Pokemon Violet
Don’t worry Pokemon Violet players, you can also get Sandy Shocks. How? Well, you can trade Sandy Shocks with players who have them in Pokemon Scarlet. For reference, here’s a guide that outlines the steps to trade Pokemon using Link Codes.
This covers everything on how to catch Sandy Shock in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. While you’re here, be sure to check out our other Pokemon SV guides.