Skeleton horse in Minecraft is in demand by many players. Because this undead horse variant doesn’t spawn naturally, it’s a rare mob. The Skeleton Horse not only looks cool, but is also one of the fastest mounts in the game. On top of that, you can also ride it underwater and it can jump up to 5 blocks. Since this is such a unique mob, we will help you find it.
Minecraft: where to get a skeleton horse

To get the Skeleton Horse, players will need to activate Skeleton Traps. This trap spawns a hostile Skeleton Steed with a rider made from a piece of lightning spawned by a thunderstorm. The trap has the following spawn chances depending on the difficulty level:
- Easy: 0.75 – 1.5%
- Normal: 1.5 – 4%
- Hard: 2.25 – 6.75%
When you come within a 10 block radius of this trap, a Skeleton Rider will spawn. Now these mobs are hostile and can be dangerous to deal with. The rider will appear with an enchanted iron helmet and an enchanted bow. The rider will shoot at you and follow you on horseback. To get the skeleton horse, you must kill the rider.
How to ride a skeleton horse in Minecraft
After killing the rider, you will be able to ride the skeleton horse. However, it must first be tamed. The process of taming is similar to the process of taming a normal horse. All you have to do is install it until you see floating hearts. Once the skeleton horse is tamed, you can equip it with a saddle and control its movements while riding. As we mentioned earlier, the Skeleton Horse is one of the fastest mounts, with a movement speed of 0.2.
Upon death, the Skeleton Horse drops the following items:
- Bones
- Experience Points
- Saddle, if any
That’s all from us about the Skeleton Horse in Minecraft. For other useful mob guides, be sure to visit our Minecraft section.