Grounded: How to Find and Kill the Bombardier Beetle

The situation in Grounded is like hunting for survival or hunting others, there is no other choice. In other words, players will need to kill all the various passive or aggressive creatures to ensure their survival. This will give you several materials to craft gear, armor, or weapons. Bombardier Beetles are one of the most important creatures that drop unusual loot in the game. However, these beetles are quite difficult to kill and find. But don’t worry, we’ll help you find all the places where it’s easy to find Bombardier Beetles in Grounded.

Locations to find bombardier bugs in Grounded

Here’s how easy it is to find and get a Bombardier in Grounded. For reference, we have marked all the places where you can find beetles in the article below.

  1. The marked area is located in the southwestern part of the map and is considered Bombardier’s Rock. This is because you can easily spot them on the rock and some of them under it. Players can get around 3-4 Bomber Beetles at this location.
  2. As marked on the map, this area is next to the fence. Players can get around 2-3 bugs in this location. However, also note that this area is full of wolf spiders, so be vigilant and equip all the equipment you can.
  3. This area is known as Peak Gorge and is located in the center of the map. Here you will find plenty of Bombardier Beetles that roam the Grounded with ease. You can easily catch 1-2 beetles in this area.
  4. This area is located on the east side of the map next to a wooden fence. Players can find bugs in this area, as well as an Orb Weaver, so keep an eye out for them. You can get up to 4-5 Bombardier Beetles in this area hidden next to the rocks.

These are all places where you can easily find Bombardier Beetles in Grounded. If you are wondering how you can kill them, then we will help you.

How to kill a bombardier beetle?

Bombardier bugs are passive and only attack when threatened. To kill them we recommend you use Sprig Bow and Arrows. These bugs tend to spit out acid pellets in their defense, and if you’re near them, you can expect some bites as well. The key to killing them is keeping your distance, as well as taking cover to avoid their poisonous acid balls. Before heading into battle, make sure you have at least level 1 armor and some bandages. Players are also advised to use the Fresh Defense mutation, which will protect you to some extent from acid ball attacks. After killing Bombardier Beetles, here is a list of the materials they will drop.

  • Boiling iron
  • Part of Bombardier

That’s all you need to know about how to easily find and kill bomber bugs in Grounded.