Honkai Star Rail Fighting Manual for Beginners

In tactical turn-based games like Honkai Star Rail, perfect fighting expertise is a requirement. You’ll run against even harder adversaries as you advance. As a result, it is best to familiarize yourself with the battle system beforehand. To get you started, we will go through Attacks, Skill Points, Battle Tactics, Enemy Weaknesses, and much more in this tutorial. So here’s the secret to triumphing in every fight in Honkai Star Rail.

Battle Strategies for the Honkai Star Rail

Honkai Star Rail Combat Tips & Tricks
Honkai Star Rail Turn-Based Combat 

Putting Together the Ideal Team

You must gather your team before starting the combat. You must assemble a team of four characters of your choosing for Honkai Star Rail. However, you must choose characters carefully and according to their roles. To keep their squad going, for instance, each team needs at least one DPS, Support, and Healer. Honkai Star Rail combat mastery will be one step closer for you with a flawlessly balanced team.

Honkai Star Rail Combat Tips & Tricks
Image Source – GameSpot

Each Character in this game relates to one of the game’s seven Elements and Pathways. In addition, the damage done by the characters varies based on which Paths they are linked with. However, keeping an eye on the Elements is advantageous because it enables you to spot an opponent’s weak point. This is due to the fact that each adversary you encounter in Honkai Star Rail will be susceptible to a particular Element.

Surprising Your Opponent with a Technique Attack

When you encounter an enemy, you can always use your Technique Attack to strike them first. Simply tap the button in the bottom-right corner of the screen to do so. You start with three Technique Attacks, but these diminish as you use them.

Honkai Star Rail Combat Tips & Tricks
Honkai Star Rail Technique Attack

Furthermore, you must break objects scattered throughout the world in order to recover and refill them. Using the Method has the advantage of giving you the upper hand at the outset of the conflict. Even if the majority of the Character’s Techniques heal allies, it is still a wise move. In addition, there are characters whose Technique harms the opposition. The enemy’s turn is delayed, which is another benefit.


Going on, the moveset is the most crucial component of the Honkai Star Rail Battle system. Each character has three different sorts of attacks: a Normal/Basic Attack, a Skill Attack, and an Ultimate Attack. Here’s what you need to know about them.

  • Basic Attack: The enemy suffers significant damage from regular strikes.
  • Skill Attacks are generally more potent than normal attacks. Each time you use a skill attack, you will lose 1 skill point. A total of 5 Skill Points can be stacked at once. You begin with three skill points accumulated. You can repeatedly make Normal Attacks to replenish and accumulate Skill Points.
  • Ultimate Attack – You can use this attack even if it is not your turn. Your character begins to fill an energy bar as the fight goes on. Your Ultimate is prepared for use after being filled.

Enemy Weakness & Toughness Meter

If you can find the weak places in Honkai Star Rail combat, you have mastered it. Each adversary is susceptible to one or more of the elements, as was already mentioned. As a result, they will lose their toughness if you assault them with the element that they are weak to. Think of Toughness as a defensive shield that adversaries use. It appears above the enemy’s health bar.

Honkai Star Rail Combat Tips & Tricks
Honkai Star Rail: Opponent’s Elemental Weakness & Toughness Bar

The enemy will lose one turn and start taking more damage if the toughness bar is depleted. The Weakness Break in Honkai Star Rail is the name given to the entire situation. Based on the type of element that produces Weakness Break, the opponent receives a status effect. Here are some examples of the Elements and their associated Weakness Breaks status effects:

ElementWeakness Break Status Effects
PhysicalAfflicts Bleed effect causing Physical Damage over time
FireAfflicts Burn effect causing Fire Damage over time
WindAfflicts Wind Shear effect causing Wind Damage over time
LightningAfflicts Shock effect causing Lightning Damage over time
IceAfflicts Frozen effect that freezes the enemy for 1 turn. Deals Ice Damge over time
QuantumAfflicts Entanglement effect that makes enemy lose 1 turn. Deals Quantum Damage over tim
ImaginaryAfflicts Imprisonment effect that reduces enemy’s speed. Deals Imaginary Damage over time

Additional Combat Advice & Techniques in Honkai Star Rail

Here are a few other Honkai Star Rail fight strategies you could find useful.

  • Characters with higher SPD (Speed) take the first turn. Therefore, those with the highest SPD can even launch two attacks in a single round.
  • Normally, the battle system is turn-based, however debuffs and SPD can cause the turns to become disorganized. Occasionally, this will work in your favor, so pick your persona wisely. For instance, utilizing Entanglement can cause the opponent to lose 1 turn. You now have the chance to capitalize.
  • You can also speed up the combat if you get tired of fighting the opposition. Simply select the 2x speed-up option in the top right to do so. The fight animation will begin after you click that button. By pressing the button next to the fast-forward button, you can even skip the entire combat.

You can hopefully level up your combat abilities in Honkai Star Rail with the use of this. Now that you’re here, you may use our HSR Codes post to reward yourself with freebies.