How to Correct a 504 Gateway Timeout on Your Website

Server 504 Gateway Time-out – It’s possible that all of you have come across this issue on various Internet pages. In most cases, you try refreshing the page to see if it helps. If not, you begin exploring alternative websites. However, have you ever considered how website owners resolve 504 error codes? If you’re unaware, the website’s owners or developers must follow a set of troubleshooting and repair procedures in order to solve the problem.

We are aware that the majority of you may have websites for portfolios, e-commerce, services, etc. But what will you do if a 504 error code appears? The upkeep of a website is the responsibility of the website owner. The 504 Error Code does, however, occasionally appear on the website for numerous reasons.

We will outline the approaches in this guide so that you can fix this issue on your website. In order to discover how to resolve the 504 Error Code issue, developers and owners should read this tutorial.

What is 504 Error Code on the Website?

When the server fails to respond to a request promptly, a 504 error code is displayed on the website. For the purpose of displaying any data, the website uses various servers. The 504 Error Code problem first appears when any server is not operating properly. Until the issue with the website’s backend is resolved, the 504 error code will continue to appear. You could be receiving the 504 Error Code for a number of different reasons besides from servers. For your convenience, we’ve listed them here. You can investigate and determine why it’s happening on your website.

  • The website’s server is not operational.
  • The allotted amount of server RAM has been used.
  • There could be a problem with network connectivity.
  • The DNS may have undergone some changes.
  • The servers’ firewalls could be the source of the problems.
  • The CDN is having some issues.
  • There are some attacks on your website.

On your website fix the 504 Gateway Timeout error

We are aware that you may be considering a number of options to resolve the 504 error code on your website. Numerous website owners are having the same problem with their sites. They are currently exploring for solutions to repair the 504 error code. We are here to provide you with a variety of options for attempting to fix the issue with your website.

Reload the page

We advise you to try refreshing the page in your browser before beginning the major changes to see if the problem reappears or not. Because the request from the web browser to the server did not go through successfully, users have reported running into problems. The identical problem has been reported by customers in several instances that are comparable to this one. To see if the problem is still present, try refreshing the page in your browser. If the problem had been fixed, it might have been due to a problem with the browser request.

Start the Browser Over

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We’ll advise you to try restarting your system’s browser or switching to another browser to see if the problem persists. There is a potential that the browser you were using is out-of-date or has issues if the problem does not affect any other websites on the system. You can try launching the website on various devices to make sure everything is working properly. If a 504 error code appears on the website, take the actions mentioned below.

Look for DNS problems

We’ll advise you to check for DNS issues as a first step. This problem will typically arise if you have moved your website to a different hosting company or registered it there. It takes the hosting company between 24 and 48 hours to change the DNS servers so that your website will function properly for all users worldwide. This website allows you to check your website DNS. Try clearing the DNS Cache if you’re having this problem. Check it out; it’s assisted many folks in solving the issue.

Examine Server Problems

If there aren’t any DNS issues and you’re still getting a 504 error, there’s a probability that the problem is with the server. The official system status of the hosting provider allows you to quickly check for server problems. There are numerous possible causes for the website you are using to experience server problems.

High memory uploads, a lot of traffic, a lot of queries, etc. are a few of the causes. To determine whether server problems are to blame, you can check the usage statistics of your website through the dashboard that the hosting company has given. You might need to increase your hosting if the problem is being caused by a server.

Verify error logs

By reviewing the error logs from the hosting dashboard, you can determine the root of the 504 Error Code problem. The error logs page is provided by the hosting companies so that you may handle any minor issues yourself. By reviewing the error logs, you can determine the problem’s root cause and attempt to resolve it.

Turn off all plugins

There is a potential that any new plugins or themes you add to your WordPress website will conflict with the files that are causing the 504 problem. We advise you to turn off all of your website’s plugins and themes before determining whether the problem has been fixed. With the aid of the hosting company dashboard, you can disable the plugin. If the problem has been fixed after deactivating the plugin on your website, you must enable each plugin and theme one at a time to determine which ones are harming the website.

Examine For Attacks

There is a possibility that some hackers have hacked your website, which is why you are experiencing website problems. We advise you to verify your website for assaults to make sure no such problems are there. You must get in touch with the hosting company if any hacker attacks are being made against your website. They will be able to assist you in this situation.

Examine WordPress For Problems

Users who are experiencing problems with their websites should verify that the WordPress version they are using is up to date. Additionally, we advise you to look for any WordPress issues. We advise you to look into solutions if there is a WordPress issue. To determine if WordPress has any problems, you can utilize a few third-party plugins or checkers.

Speak with your hosting company

We advise contacting your hosting company to try to resolve the issue if you have tried all the aforementioned solutions and are still having problems with the website. There is a chance that the problem may arise because of a serious file issue or anything else, in which case the developers will be the ones to address it. So try getting in touch with the hosting company; they can assist you in fixing the problem. So that they can begin fixing the problem, you must inform them of the website issue you are experiencing.

Concluding Remarks

On a regular basis, the internet adds thousands of new websites. Websites are being created by many individuals to offer various services online. Users who created and published the website are likely to run into a number of problems.

One illustration of it is the 504 error code. Due to the 504 error code, thousands of websites are inaccessible. The website’s proprietors are investigating a number of solutions to the problem. We’ve outlined the approaches in this article so you can fix the problem with your website.