How to Repair the Slow Unpacking Problem in Jedi Survivor

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, your current preoccupation, suddenly slows down or stops playing altogether while you are loading it up. Nothing is worse than wanting to simply load up and embark on a thrilling adventure as Cal Kestis. We have a couple remedies you should try if, like many others, you are having these unpacking difficulties when attempting to play Jedi Survivor.

Issue Fixes for Star Wars Jedi: Survivor’s Slow Unpacking

Even if you have pre-loaded, these delayed unpacking annoyances might occasionally happen, therefore we have some advice on how to get your game loading up in a timely manner. Whether you play through EA Play, Epic Games, or Steam, we have you covered. Try the following advice and see what works for you:

  • Make sure your launcher is configured for High Priority. Right-click on your program in Task Manager after scrolling to find your launcher. Choose High under Set Priority.
  • Close any unnecessary programs you may be running. These programs could be using your CPU. If you have many processes operating in the background, this should considerably speed up the load.
  • Examine Your Storage Star Wars Jedi: Survivor uses a lot of hard drive space and has a respectable CPU. To get it all operating, you need at least 150 GB!
  • Check for Disk Errors — Although it may seem simple, it is always a good idea to double-check for errors. Launch File Explorer, choose your launcher (Steam, Epic, or EA), and then click Properties to check for probable issues. After that, choose Tools and run to look for errors.
  • Turn it off and on again to restart: When in doubt, follow the advice of the IT crowd. When it comes to computers and video games, a restart can solve a lot of problems! Restart the launch after shutting it off, or even your entire System. Games are no different from people in that they occasionally need a kickstart.

If none of the aforementioned suggestions work, it’s a good idea to make sure your system is powerful enough to run Jedi Survivor. In our section devoted to Star Wars, you may find more guides. The force be with you, my friend!