The Battle Pass in MW2 and Warzone 2 is time-consuming to grind through, but not if you can use Token Tier Skips. Guns, stickers, and vehicle skins are just a few of the many perks available with the Battle Pass. With so many rewards, it takes a lot of time to complete the pass and unlock all. To quickly unlock the ones you want, though, employ Tier Skips. You can use them to unlock the specific Battle Pass goods you want by following the instructions in this tutorial.
How to Get and Use MW2 Battle Pass Tier Skips

Let’s first discuss the Battle Pass before discussing how to employ Token Tier Skips in MW2. The Battle Pass is divided into sections, the first of which is the default segment. You can go to a part that is adjacent to this default unlocked section after finishing it. In the whole Battle Pass, you cannot skip to any sector and acquire any reward. However, this differs from the conventional Battle Pass system, which allows you to earn one item per level in a very linear fashion.
You can select the specific prize you desire from each sector using the Battle Pass Token Sector Skips. The days of having to choose rewards you don’t want before receiving ones you do are long gone. You can choose the reward you wish to unlock using Token Tier Skips, then spend each token to get those particular things.
Simply play the game and level up your character to receive Battle Pass Token Tier Skips. You advance toward your next Token by gaining XP. These tokens can be unlocked more quickly the more XP you accumulate. You can also rapidly finish the entire Battle Pass by purchasing tokens with real money. Simply select the item you wish to unlock and use the Token to do so.
There are no additional details regarding token tier skips in MW2 or Warzone 2. You might be interested in learning the optimal loadouts for it once you’ve unlocked all the goodies, such as the new weaponry. With our best FJX Imperium loadout and Cronen Squall loadout, we have you covered in that regard.