Game of Thrones: Latest novels distance themselves from series

The Winds of Winter and Spring Dream won’t end Game of Thrones like the HBO television series adaptation.

Predictable, but now it’s official. American writer George R. R. Martin has no intention of following David Benioff and D. B. Weiss’ Game of Thrones script to complete The Winds of Winter and Spring Sleep: My Winter Garden Lately… Like gardener, everything turns and changes. New ideas come up, old ones turn out to be impractical, I write, I rewrite, I rip and rewrite everything, I break doors that lead to dead ends and others that lead to miracles. Sounds crazy, I know. But that’s how I work. It has always been so. And so it will always be. For better and for worse. However, what I’ve noticed lately is that my gardening (in regards to his writing) always takes me further away from the TV series. Yes, some of what you may have seen on Game of Thrones on HBO

I have done a lot of interviews over the years, more than even I can possibly keep track of. Inevitably, a lot of them touch on the same subjects. One of the things I have been asked about most is my writing process…

July 9, 2022

‘Game of Thrones’ fans may not like George Martin’s choice

George Martin already knows that the ending of Game of Thrones in the novel will create controversy on social media, just like the ending of the TV series, in part because some deaths will not be confirmed and some living characters will be killed off: “Without a doubt that as soon as I When I’m done, there’s going to be a huge debate about which version of the story is better. Some people will love this new ending, others will prefer the HBO ending. And that’s okay, you pay with your money and make your choice. (I’m afraid some fans are so angry the moment the winds blow me that they hate the book without reading it. It makes me sad, but there’s nothing I can do about it unless I write the best book ever, and I hope that when it comes out, most fans will read it with clean hands and an open mind). This is all, what can I tell you at the moment. I need to get back to the garden. Tyrion is waiting for me.