IKEA Vindstyrka, a small smart sensor for analyzing home air quality

IKEA is launching a connected sensor to analyze ambient air quality. Vindstyrka has a lot to offer.

IKEA is familiar with home automation. In recent years, the Scandinavian specialist in prefabricated furniture and homeware has compiled a catalog of more or less related links, always with the same goal: to be as discreet as possible in your interior. And at an affordable price. Today, the brand is launching a new product, a small connected device that is already on the market, a sensor for analyzing ambient air.

IKEA launches connected sensor to analyze ambient air quality

IKEA already offers a small side table in its catalog that acts as an air purifier (Starkwind), but now the brand offers the opportunity to directly assess the quality of the surrounding air. The brand has just introduced Vindstyrka, a small smart air quality sensor that analyzes particle levels (less than 2.5 micrometers), humidity, temperature and the amount of gaseous pollutants. In this way, you will be able to find out if your cleaning, cooking and ventilation routines allow enough air renewal.

Vindstyrka can work well on its own, but it becomes especially useful when connected to a Dirigera home hub. You can then check the ambient air quality through the company’s app and use the screen to control other devices in the house. Thus, it becomes possible to ask the Starkvind air purifier to increase the fan speed if, for example, a certain level of particles is reached.

Vindstyrka has a lot to offer

IKEA plans to launch its Windwash in all markets next April, including France. The company hasn’t revealed the price of this new connected accessory, but its feature list suggests it should be more affordable than competing high-end solutions like the Airthings View Plus, which costs €299 but also controls CO2 emissions. radon and pressure. The IKEA Vindstyrka might be a good option if your smart speaker’s temperature and humidity sensors aren’t enough.