The Apple News app has the most new features and updates in iOS 16.5 overall, and there are a few significant ones that will alter how you read news articles. Even Apple News on iPadOS 16.5 is subject to some modifications, and the most important ones affect both free users and Apple News+ customers.
Screen recordings using Siri, shared admins for Matter accessories in Home, and the potential for multiview for live sports in the Apple TV app are among the non-News improvements made to the iPhone. Apple’s most recent software is now undergoing beta testing and is anticipated to be released in April or May. Until then, you can read our post on all the new features in iOS 16.5 or continue reading to see simply the modifications to News.
1. Persistent Navigation Bar
The new persistent navigation bar at the bottom of Apple News on iOS 16.5 is arguably the most significant upgrade. Before iOS 16.5, the bar containing the Suggest More, Suggest Less, and Previous/Next buttons would appear while opening an article. It is still the navigation bar right now. When you scroll down to read something, it will still automatically disappear and reappear when you scroll back up or press the status bar.

The bottom bar in articles on iOS 16.4. (left) vs. iOS 16.5 (right).
2. New Sports Tab
If you enjoy sports, you’ll be pleased to learn that iOS 16.5 includes a special Sports tab in Apple News. Simply open the new Sports tab rather than attempting to discover your personalized sports news buried on the Today tab. Before, you could view the same information by going to Following -> My Sports, but now you can get it practically anywhere in the Apple News app with just one press.
Until iPadOS 16.5 “My Sports” was accessible via the Sports section in the sidebar, below Favorites. On the main Apple News area under News+, it is now named “Sports.” All of the sports you follow are included in the Sports section, which is still beneath Favorites.

My Sports is now available via the Sports tab on iOS 16.5.
3. Search from Following Tab
Apple returned the Search tool to the Following tab, where it was in iOS 14.4.2 and earlier, before iOS 14.5 separated them into different tabs, in order to make room for the new Sports tab in the navigation bar (left image below) (middle image below). To avoid any mistake, Apple changed the Following tab to include a picture of the Search symbol (see right image below).
In the sidebar search box on iPadOS 16.5, it now says “Channels, Topics & Stories” rather than “Search.”

Following/Search on iOS 14.4.2 (left) vs. iOS 16.4. (middle) vs. iOS 16.5 (right).
4. Suggest More/Less Buttons at Top
The Suggest More and Suggest Less buttons, which were formerly located in the bottom bar of articles, have been moved to the top due to the new persistent navigation bar. If you frequently used them from within articles, you will now need to tap the new Suggest More or Less button in order to see the “Recommend More” or “Suggest Less” options, which adds an extra step to the process on iOS 16.5 if you previously used them directly from within articles.
With iPadOS 16.5 as well, the icon modifications are visible.

Suggest More and Suggest Less buttons on iOS 16.4. (left) vs. iOS 16.5 (right).
5. Missing Next/Previous Arrows
With iOS 16.5 there is no longer any place for the Previous and Next arrows that were also at the bottom of articles. Currently, the only method for switching between stories is to swipe right or left.
iPadOS 16.5 is likewise devoid of the arrows.

The Previous and Next arrows on iOS 16.4. (left) vs. none on iOS 16.5 (right).
6. New Button Designs
Apple indicated that the Suggest More or Less button is now a single button by enclosing it within a shaded circle. On iOS 16.5 the Bookmark, Back, and More Actions (•••) icons also have shaded circles to match the new look.
Also, iPadOS 16.5 features the updated button designs.

The button designs in articles on iOS 16.4. (left) vs. iOS 16.5 (right).
7. Text Size Options in More Actions
Apple moved the Text Size (AA) button to the Additional Actions (•••) menu in order to clear up the redesigned top toolbar for articles. With iOS 16.5 you now have to tap the More Actions (•••) button first in order to adjust the font size of a publication.
On iPadOS 16.5 the Text Size button was likewise relocated.

The Text Size button on iOS 16.4. (left) vs. iOS 16.5 (right).
8. Relocated ‘Contents’ for Magazines
Apple News magazines are impacted by another another modification brought on by the persistent navigation bar. On iOS 16.5 the “Contents”text has been relocated to the white space surrounding the magazine’s thumbnail, and the publication date is completely absent.
With iPadOS 16.5 as well, the magazine contents update is shown.

Contents button for magazines on iOS 16.4. (left) vs. iOS 16.5 (right).