iOS 15.4 will abnormally consume the battery of some iPhones

Power management issue with iOS 15.4? Some users have reported a drastic drop in battery life.

If you’ve recently updated your iPhone to iOS 15.4 and you’re feeling like your smartphone’s battery life has dwindled, you’re not alone. Indeed, it would seem that after installing this update, a certain number of users have noticed a more than consistent loss of autonomy.

Power management issue with iOS 15.4?

According to some evidence, in the most, so to speak, serious cases, autonomy would simply be halved since the installation of the mentioned update. Some users have also reported that the battery indicator drops by 5% in just 10 minutes. Others claim that their iPhone now only lasts half a day.

Some users have reported a drastic drop in battery life.

There may be some good news in this regard. Indeed, this loss of autonomy may not be a mistake. In a 2020 ZDNet article, journalist Adrian Kingsley-Hughes explains that when a new version of an operating system is installed, a number of more or less important operations usually occur in the background, including indexing and recalibrating the battery.

This process can take several hours, and in some cases even days, which may explain why some users notice a very noticeable drop in battery life. Also, sometimes updates introduce new features that can be more power hungry on older devices, resulting in higher-than-usual consumption.

In any case, we will have to wait a while before we can evaluate whether there is a real power consumption problem in this version or not. If that were the case, there is no doubt that the teams from the Cupertino company will be hard at work to fix this, they may already be doing it.