iPhone overtakes Android for the first time in US smartphone market

iPhone for the first time in history became the most popular smartphone in the United States.

For the first time in the United States, more iPhones are in use than any other type of smartphone. Citing data from specialized company Counterpoint Research, the Financial Times reports that in June last year, the iPhone took the best of the entire Android ecosystem and now occupies more than 50% of this market share. At the same time, Apple has the largest market share ever recorded in the US smartphone market. The Cupertino-based company did this based on “active devices,”a metric that takes into account all the people who actually use an iOS device.

iPhone is the most popular smartphone in the US

In the early days of the iPhone, iOS, then known as iPhone OS, was nowhere near a 50% market share. At the time, the market was dominated by companies such as Blackberry, Nokia, and Motorola. In 2010, two years after its debut, Android surpassed iOS. Since then, Google’s mobile operating system has remained the most popular OS in the global mobile device market, holding over 70% of the market in 2022, according to Statcounter.

This is the first time in its history

Google probably doesn’t need to worry too much. After all, the iPhone has always been popular in the United States compared to other markets. Anyway, the Mountain View firm is following the situation across the Atlantic very closely. “This is an important step that we could replicate in other wealthy markets around the world,” Jeff Fieldhack, director of research at Counterpoint, told The Times. Apple dominated the high-end smartphone market in the second quarter of 2022, with the iPhone accounting for 57% of all sales in the segment with no signs of slowing down. And the upcoming iPhone 14 should continue in that direction.