Fixing “Your account has been disabled for violating our terms” on Instagram

Please be aware that if you repeatedly violate the Community Guidelines or Terms of Service, you will receive a message from Instagram saying “Your account has been disabled for violating our terms:”. may permanently delete your account. You can appeal this decision by opening the app, entering your username and password, and then following the on-screen instructions if you believe your account was disabled in error.


What happens if Instagram disables your account?

When you try to log in, you will be notified that your Instagram account has been disabled. Accounts that do not comply with our community guidelines or terms of use may be terminated without warning. We advise you to carefully read the messages in all accounts and community rules you have created.

Therefore, if your Instagram account has been disabled as a result of violating the Instagram terms and conditions or community guidelines, you will not be able to log in using the app or web browser on your computer. In this situation, no one will be able to see your account. However, as mentioned, something can still be done, especially if you are not responsible.

So, in this article, we will look at some ways to recover your Instagram account after it has been blocked or disabled by Instagram.

Violations of terms and conditions

If platform rules are violated repeatedly, accounts can be banned permanently. Users should ensure that their accounts do not include content that encourages:

Illegal behavior, hate speech or threats against specific individuals and communities.

Things that will result in your account being disabled or banned:

  • Artificial collection or increase in likes.
  • Artificial increase in the number of subscribers or reposts.
  • The publication of materials that are repeated.
  • Constant contacts with private individuals for business purposes.

In addition, it goes without saying that any other anti-social actions that may lead to legal consequences, such as

  • The pursuit
  • Posting sexual content

Ways to Recover a Disabled Instagram Account

Once you find that Instagram has disabled your account, you should take action right now to get it back.

If you don’t know how to identify it, just try logging in through your web browser or mobile app. If, without further ado, the error “Your account has been disabled for violating our terms” pops up, follow these methods. This is especially true if the user or users have reported you.

1. Restore your Instagram business instantly.

When you try to sign in to Instagram while it’s disabled, a pop-up will appear saying “Your account has been disabled for violating our terms.”But the company allows you to make an appeal, which can be considered immediately if it was a mistake and you do not want to lose your account forever.

You must do the following:

  • Launch the Instagram app and enter your login details.
  • Next, click the login button.
  • Select “Details”in the pop-up window.
  • The entire message will now be displayed on your screen. Select “Please let us know”.
  • You will then be taken to another page asking if the account is for a business, product, or service. Just click “Yes”once.
  • After that click “Submit”.
  • After that, enter your personal details, including your full name, username, email address, country, etc.
  • The next step for Instagram will be to request a copy of any official document you have to verify your business. Click I understand that I will not be helped with my account if I have not uploaded a valid document proving my business, and then select the Submit option.
  • You will then receive an email stating that you must verify your business in order to recover your account. In your reply to this letter, send them the necessary documentation.
  • Another email will be sent to you asking for a photo of you holding a piece of paper with a specific code to prove you are not a robot.
  • Finally, you will receive a final email informing you that your account should now be available.

Unfortunately, if you are unable to access back, try these methods a few more times or try the next method.

2. Request verification to automatically recover your Instagram account.

Instagram gives you a 30-day period to recover your account after it has been disabled for violating community guidelines. However, this takes time and users often have to repeat this several times before identifying and fixing the problem.

The actions you must take are listed below:

  • Launch the Instagram app on your device to get started.
  • Enter your login information and click the Login button.
  • If you do not request verification, you will be notified that your account will be permanently deleted after 30 days unless you request verification. Click Request Review.
  • Enter the full name and username of the blocked account on the next screen, then click Request Verification.
  • Once it’s confirmed that you haven’t violated any community guidelines, Instagram will review your appeal and reinstate your account. To be on the safe side, select Download Data.

In some situations, you may have to repeat the process every 24 hours to get Instagram to notice you.

3. Use a VPN.

The following message was reportedly sent to many third world users:

“We have fewer reviewers available due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, so we cannot reconsider this decision at this time.”

Connecting your device to a VPN before you ask Instagram to consider deactivating your account is one way to deal with this situation. A VPN changes your IP address to make it appear that you are accessing the site from a different location.

4. Use an automated tool to restore access to your account.

Automated account recovery tools are a relatively new method that has become widespread due to its simplicity. As mentioned earlier, you may need to resubmit your requests to Instagram in order for them to see and respond to them.+

The creators of automation tools knew their business. They have created bots that will automatically submit appeal forms at set intervals until your account is reinstated.

Even more interesting is that you no longer need to send your image by holding the code provided in their email. Before uploading the code to Instagram, these automation programs have their own collection of photos that they use.

If you don’t trust this method, you can even post a photo of yourself holding a piece of recycled paper if you like. While the automation solution doesn’t guarantee an immediate response from Instagram, it does save you the hassle of doing it manually.


You have followed our troubleshooting instructions. Your account has been disabled for violating our terms on Instagram. If these solutions were helpful to you in this regard, please let us know in the comments area.