How to see your likes on Instagram – every photo, video and video you’ve ever seen

Unlike TikTok, right on your Instagram profile page, there’s no convenient “Like”tab to see all the posts you’ve ever liked. It’s too easy. Instead, you need to dig a little deeper if you want to take a trip down IG’s memory lane.

There isn’t even a “Like”option like there is for “Saved”posts when you open the menu on your profile page. One can only guess why Meta makes it so difficult to see all the posts you’ve ever favorited on Instagram. It could just be because he wanted to group likes with similar interactions, but you’re not likely to use your comments and reply history much, so that’s a dumb excuse.

Whether you’re using the iOS or Android app, tap the three-line menu icon at the top of your profile page to find the photos and videos you like. Then select “Your Activity”and then “Interactions”.

You can then select “Like”to see all the content you’ve liked at any given moment. The most recent photos, videos, or videos you double-tap will be in the top left corner. Keep scrolling to see all the content you liked days, weeks, months, and even years ago – all the way back to your very first heart. Tap “Sort & Filter”at the top and you can change how your likes are presented.

You can change “Old to New”to see the old stuff first, not the new stuff. And you can narrow down the selection by selecting a date range, and Instagram will show only the most valuable from that period. Click “Start Date”and “End Data”to select a range. To change sorting and date settings back to default, click Reset to return to Newest to Oldest and no dates.

On the Like page, posts with photos are not tagged, posts with multiple images/videos are tagged with a double post icon, and videos are tagged with a video camera icon. This makes finding the right post even more rewarding. But there is one drawback: it does not distinguish ordinary video posts from commercials.

If you want to undo any content, you can click “Select”at the top of the “Like”page, highlight all the photos, videos, and videos you want to remove, and then click “Dislike”at the bottom.