How to Fix Overwatch 2 Migration Queue Reset Error

With its launch in Overwatch 2, a lot of bugs, errors, and crashes appeared. The list goes on and there is a migration queue bug that is currently affecting players. An error occurs when veteran players attempt to complete account merging. Because of this error, the migration queue keeps resetting, changing, or not working at all. So, here is our guide on how to fix Overwatch 2 migration queue reset error.

How to fix migration queue reset error in Overwatch 2

Unfortunately, the only way to fix this problem is to wait a while. While waiting indefinitely can be frustrating and annoying, it’s the only reliable way. We suggest players to be patient and stay.

Players face two issues when choosing to merge accounts. When players click the “Merge Accounts in Queue”button, their place is reset. So, if you’re somewhere in the hundreds, this problem can cause your number to be in the thousands. For some players, the queue was reset to normal. But for this you need to hold on longer. You can check out our guide on how long to wait to merge Overwatch 2 accounts for more information.

The second problem is that the game offers a restart message to complete the account transfer. But when players reboot, they have to start from scratch again. You can try logging out of the game and then logging back in to your account. Either way, you won’t lose any progress or items, as confirmed by Blizzard.

While this can be very frustrating, Blizzard acknowledged the account merger issues on their Twitter account (link) and in a recent bug report (link). In addition, Blizzard has also stated that they are aware of long queues for account transfers. And he added that they are building up capacity to move it faster. We hope Blizzard will address these issues in their future updates or patches.

That’s all for the “Migration queue keeps resetting” error in Overwatch 2. If you liked this guide, check out our other guides.