Online shopping has made our life much easier and more convenient. You can browse the online catalog, see prices, compare products and buy what you need. The product you buy online will be delivered to your address without any problems. When shopping on Amazon, you will be asked to enter your billing and shipping address for a successful purchase; without these two, you will not be able to place your order.
Many people don’t understand what a billing address and a shipping address are and what difference it makes if they are the same or separate. Because of this, many people provide the wrong billing address when shopping on Amazon. If you entered the wrong billing address or moved to another location and want to change your Amazon billing address, this article will show you how.
How to change billing address on Amazon
The billing address is the address to which the product is billed. It may differ from your shipping address, but by default, Amazon will keep your billing address the same as your shipping address. If you would like to change your billing address, you can do so by following these steps:
In the Amazon app
- Open the Amazon app and make sure you’re signed in to your account.
- Click on the menu icon in the lower right corner.
- Here, click on the “Account”option .
- In the “Account” section, click “More Payment Methods”.
- Click on the “Change”button under your card or wallet.
- Then click on your billing address.
- You will be asked to select a billing address; select an address and click Use this address .
- If you’d like to add a new billing address, click Add Address .
- You will be prompted to enter your billing address. After that, click Use this address .
On the Amazon website
- Go to the Amazon website by clicking on this link and logging into your account.
- Click on your account name in the top right corner.
- Now click here Payment Methods .
- Here you will see your saved cards, click on the card you want to change the billing address for and then click on Edit .
- Click the “Edit”button below the billing address on the pop-up screen.
- Then select the address you want to save as your billing address and click Use this address .
- To add a new billing address, click Add address .
- Now enter your account details and click “Use this address”.
How to change your shipping address on Amazon
The shipping address is the address where your items are shipped to. If you want to change your Amazon shipping address, you can follow these steps:
In the Amazon app
- Open the Amazon app and tap the menu icon in the bottom right corner.
- Here, click “Account” at the bottom.
- Now click on the “Your Addresses”option .
- Click on the “Edit” button below the address you want to change.
- Make changes to the address, and then click Save Changes.
- If you want to add a new address, click Add New Address .
- Now enter all the requested address information and click Save Changes.
On the Amazon website
- Open the Amazon website by clicking on this link. Make sure you are signed in to your account.
- Click on your account name in the top right corner of the Amazon home page.
- Now click on the “Your Address”option .
- Click the “Edit”button for the address you want to change.
- Make the necessary changes, and then click the Save Changes button .
- To add a new shipping address, click Add Address and follow the on-screen instructions.
Note. You cannot change your default Amazon address. If you want to make changes to your default address, you will have to set a different address as the default address, make changes to the old address, and then set it as the default address.
Final words
This article discusses how you can change your billing and shipping address on Amazon. Shipping address and billing address are two different things, but by default your shipping address is your billing address when shopping on Amazon. If you would like to make changes to your shipping and billing address on Amazon, you can do so by following these steps:
Can billing address and shipping address be different on Amazon?
Yes, both of these addresses can be different if you want them to be different. If you want them to stay the same, you can do it this way. Even if the billing address is different from the shipping address, it doesn’t matter; The billing address is the address where your product is billed, and the shipping address is the address where your product is shipped.
Can we change our billing name on Amazon?
Yes, you have the option to change your Amazon billing name. You can change everything in the billing address, including your email address, phone number, name, and address.
What to do if the billing address on Amazon is incorrect?
If the billing address is incorrect and you have not placed an order, you can change it in advance; the steps have already been discussed above. However, if an order is placed and the billing address is incorrect, you will need to contact Amazon Support to update the correct address.