How to change the speedometer scale in the Speedtest app

Ookla’s Speedtest app is one of the most popular ways to test your internet connection speed. But most don’t understand the application’s configuration options until they hit the big “Go”button.

As internet speeds skyrocket from 100 megabits a decade ago to over a gigabit today, it seems like a good time to remind everyone that the Speedtest app lets you change the “speedometer”scale to match your internet speed.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to set the Speedtest app’s speedometer to one of three maximum speed settings, including a minimum of 100 megabits per second, a median of 500 megabits per second, and a maximum of 1,000 megabits per second. second.

Changing the speedometer scale in the Speedtest app

The Speedtest app uses the 100 megabit scale by default because most internet connections fall within this range. But if you want to scale to match higher internet speeds, just follow these steps:

1) Launch the Speedtest app from the home screen:

2) Swipe up on the grabber under the “Go”button:

3) Click on the speedometer scale you want to use:

Note. Choosing a dial that’s too small for faster internet connections means the speedometer will be locked to the maximum, resulting in a misleading aesthetic.

The Speedtest app will remember your choice for all future speed tests, so there’s no need to change the speedometer scale more than once unless you want to set it up for a particular network.

Now when you perform a speed test with the Speedtest app, it will use the scale you selected. Pay attention to the different speedometer readings and their position:


Changing the speedometer scale in the Speedtest app is a quick and easy process that can bring a nicer aesthetic to today’s fast internet world. Don’t settle for tying for maximum impact when it’s not necessary.

Also see: Unlock Hidden Easter Eggs in the Speedtest App.

If you’re not already using Ookla’s free Speedtest app, you can download it for free from the App Store on your iPhone or iPad.

Will you change the speedometer scale settings in the Speedtest app?