How to Permanently Delete Your Reddit Account (or Old Posts)

If you want to delete all or part of your posts and comments on Reddit, if you want to permanently delete your account, follow the instructions.

Want to remain anonymous on Reddit? If you’ve ever tried to create disposable accounts, you should delete them regularly to make it harder for others to see what you’ve posted and get information about you. And if you really need to delete everything, you can permanently delete your account and make all your messages disappear.

Should you delete all your Reddit posts before deleting your account?

Everything you post on Reddit stays online forever. There are several websites that cache Reddit posts and comments. Even if you’re extremely careful and delete everything you post every 24 hours or so, it’s easy to tell what you’ve posted. If you really care about keeping your sensitive data out of Reddit, you should either not post anything there or make it anonymous enough to protect your privacy.

Don’t name your employer, friends, family, or location on Reddit. If you delete your Reddit account, your posts and comments will remain on the site, but the username will become [deleted] and it will become difficult to search through all of your posts.

How to Delete Old Comments and Posts from Your Reddit Account

If you want to quickly delete a number of sensitive posts and comments, you can go to your Reddit profile and delete them yourself. To do this, log into your Reddit account, click on your nickname in the upper right corner of the screen and select “Profile”. Select the “Messages”tab at the top of the page and click on the icon with three small dots next to the messages and then “Delete”. The same can be done in the “Comments”tab.

If you have too many messages to delete, then you should consider using a tool like Power Delete Suite to make this task easier. This is a JavaScript bookmark, which means you can visit the site and drag the red Power Delete Suite button to your browser bookmarks.

When you’re ready to delete everything from your Reddit account, make sure you’re signed in and click the Power Delete Suite tab. You will then see a confirmation window asking if you want to go to your profile. Click Yes. The tool will show you several options to check multiple messages you want to delete – you can edit the messages and replace them with something, or delete them, or edit and delete them. You can also filter by subreddits and not remove certain posts.

When you’re done reviewing your options, click “Process”and Power Delete Suite will start deleting items from your Reddit account. After a few minutes, you will see the operation completed, then you can click “Download Exported Items”to save all your comments and messages.

How to Permanently Delete Your Reddit Account

Permanently deleting your Reddit account can be quite confusing because Reddit calls it deactivation, not permanent deletion. Rest assured. If you click the “Deactivate Account”button, your Reddit account will be gone forever.

To do this, go to your Reddit account settings and scroll to the bottom. Click the red “Deactivate Account”button.

Remember, the operation cannot be undone. Do this only if you are sure that you no longer need your account. You’ll see a pop-up asking for user feedback and a reason for deletion, but you can skip all of that and enter your username and password, and check the box next to “I understand that disabled accounts cannot be recovered.”Click the red “Disable”button and click again in the storage window. Congratulations, you have permanently deleted your Reddit account.